(no subject)

May 26, 2006 03:14

ok so i have moved into rowe and begun to take my 3 classes. it is turning out to be more then i bargined. for example,in my history class we get an assignment on tuesday that is due thursday.....it ends up being a 15 page long paper...yeah fuck that, but oh well it is for the best. i ended up getting a 3.54 gpa for the spring semester, and this goes on top of the 3.70 i got for the fall so i am pulling my shit together.

things with holly just seem to be getting more confusing.....she is starting to get mad at me cause i wont commite to her, and i have no intentions of doing so. i am not looking for a relationship and even though it mean to say she is just a girl to me right now and idk i just cant see myself ever commiting to her cause we r just too different. but like i said she is getting mad at me now so i am going to have to decide what i want to do, but like i said...fuck relationships right now.

i am still waiting for all this paperwork to go through and hopefully get approved so that i can start work sometime next week hopefully. if i get apporved then i will be working either in athletics or in financial aid for the remainder of the summer. and once that is figured out i learn my day time hours, i can apply to daniels or wherever and work nights.....so just wainting on everything....i fucking hate paperwork lol.

i have also been wicked sick the past two weeks or so. i finally decided to go to the health center and they told me i had strep throat..which i prety much knew n e ways, and on top of that i had conjuncton junction (aka pink eye) in BOTH EYES!! but now it is clearing my system and moved down into my chest so i am just couphing alot now.

but things havent seemed right lately, it feel like i am missing something, or that i just dont belong here...like i should be doing something else with my life right now...cant explain the feeling but it has just been there inside me for a while now....but n e ways that is my life as of right now, we will see how things progress this summer.....
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