HMD | Application

Feb 08, 2020 23:12

Decided I should probably throw this up. If you got any problems with my Riley, you can feel free to say it here. I don't mind concrit at all so shoot for it!

IP Logging is off, anon is screened!

[nick / name]: Essem
[personal LJ name]: Teh_SM
[other characters currently played]: None
[AIM / messenger]:AIM: ESSEMWOLF

[series]: The Boondocks
[character]: Riley Freeman
[character history / background]:

Riley was raised in the same kind of ghetto Boondocks environment Huey was. But it affected them in drastically different ways. Huey seemed to have seen his people in depression and being put down by the “white man” and decided the best course of action was to become a revolutionary so that he could help his people and follow in the footsteps of revolutionists like Dr. Martin Luther King or Malcolm X. Riley on the other hand seemed to embrace his environment more openly. Getting into things like Rap music, being a “gangsta”, and wanting to have the whole stereotypical lifestyle that is mostly limited to what he’s seen on television. But he also gets a passion for doing art. And this passion seems to go a bit beyond just for spreading graffiti on walls.

After their granddad, Robert Freeman inherits some money he decides to move them to a better neighborhood. So they go out to Washington D.C and move into the white suburb of Woodcrest Meryland. They learn to adjust to their new life while having some misadventures along the way. This appears to be especially true for Riley because he always seem to be getting into trouble or hanging out with he wrong people when he’s not playing video games. The boy has been shot at, met famous rappers, assisted in a plan to try and kidnap Oprah, tried to beat up Santa Claus, and a ton of other stuff you could imagine an 8 year old that has an obsession with rap music and video games to do.

[character abilities]:
There’s not much especially strong or incredibly awesome about Riley’s abilities. He’s an 8 year old boy for christ sake. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have capabilities beyond that of your average 8 year old. Although not as over the top or spectacular as his brother, Huey’s fighting moves, he does exhibit some experience in close quarters combat. Most likely this was spawned from all those battles in the past that he has had with Huey. Nothing spectacular but how good would you expect a scrawny 8 year old to fight?

He and his big brother don’t use real guns, but he does have some skill with using plastic BB guns. Nothing really that awesome, but hey man, those little bb gun bullets hurt. He’s shown to be able to use multiple kinds of BB guns too, and it’s pretty apparent that they are used to using them.

He’s a great artist surprisingly. He’s able to make sketches of people’s faces, draw, create artistic graffiti. And on top of that, he’s creative too. He was able to design the basketball team’s jersey, and come up with a better name for whole team.

He’s not as intellectual about some things as his brother, but he is quite informed about the world for an 8 year old. The problem is that it seems like most of what informed him in the first place about how the world works is from television and stereotypical rap culture. He views most women as little more than play things to be used on rap videos and he even thinks most, if not all women are ho’s.

Riley is pretty good at organizing and setting up events. Not only did he put up flyers and get a crowd to watch his Grandad’s fight, but he also made them all pay him $10 each to watch it. And despite his age, Riley does happen to have a very wide range of vocabulary. Most of it is dirty, and not up to standards with his older sibling, but words like catastrophe, and disposition aren’t exactly words that you’d normally hear an 8 year old throw around easily.

Riley’s no detective, but when he needs information about something, he’ll do what he can to get it. Even if it means watching the *gasp* news. And who the hell does that anyway?

When it comes to withholding information, Riley is pretty beast at it. Especially after the whole “Stop Snitching” campaign was put into effect.. He managed not to tell anyone that Gin and Ed stole the car even after numerous attempts of persuasion, and threats to being put in jail. He even managed not to tell anyone when he was being interrogated by the police.

He’s been shown to be really good at basketball. He takes on five kids on the basketball team at once and still manages to dribble past all of them. Granted, they weren’t that great in the first place. And once he got to the basket to shoot he did a bad job at it, but I think it’s pretty safe to say his dribbling abilities and handles on the ball are pretty above his age bracket of skill.

He might be young but he is capable of recognizing things people twice his age would know. Like when he knew Cristal was a whore. Sure it was pretty obvious, but considering most 8 year olds probably don’t know what a ho’ is or the meaning of it, it means Riley isn’t as naïve as most people his age would be. Of course, the things he doesn’t seem naïve about are stuff an 8 year old really shouldn’t know in the first place.

[character personality]:
Riley has a questionable young mind and he always seems to be finding a role model in the wrong sorts of people. This is probably because it doesn’t take much to really impress Riley. He’s fascinated with guns and the stereotypical rappper/gangsta life style, so as long as you have either of those, and you don’t act like a bitch, there’s a high chance he’ll at least befriend you. He tends to have a sense of forced naivety about his role models too. Even though he saw Gangstalicious kiss a man he refused to believe he was gay until one of Gangstalicious ex’s told the media of his homosexuality.. And even then Gangstalicious didn’t have to do much convincing for him to believe him again.

There are times when Riley’s age actually shows. Despite the tough guy act he puts on, he’s really just kind of a spoiled child underneath it all. He’s often seen crying in some episodes over the most foolish things, but somewhat understandable stuff for an 8 year old to cry over. Such as being beaten in a video game, or not wanting his granddad to feed a ho’ by taking her to a restaurant.

He doesn’t have much respect when it comes to the elderly. Hell he shows a lack of respect for nearly everyone, probably keeping up his stereotypical gangsta image if anything else. He even offers to help his grandad beat up an old blind man. Sure he had ran into his car, and stepped on his shoe, but Huey knew it was Grandad’s decision to decide what he wanted to do, and had to pull Riley to the side. Riley loves his Grandad, but at times, there is an apparent lack of respect for him somewhat. He repeatedly says Ho’ even when his granddad told him not to. He even taunts his Grandad about losing a fight. When Sarah brings over come peach cobbler Riley blatantly insults it and says it looks like throw up in front of her face. Claiming he won’t eat it. He even manages to show little respect at all for Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. himself. Making the fact known that he has very little knowledge of, or very small respect for African American history.

Most of it’s gone, but Riley still has at least some of his childish innocence. However spotty or shaky it is at times. He even believes in Santa, as most kids his age do. But he holds a grudge against him for not looking out for him and his brother back when they were little. So even in his innocence there is still something completely not innocent about it.

Riley… doesn’t have much respect for women. Not that he’d go out of his way to insult or hit one or anything, but as far as most women go? He believes most of them are ho’s and has an outlook that if he has to pay-- even if it’s for their dinner on a date-- the girl is a ho’, cause he still paying for something.

Riley has proven to be kind of easy to out smart. Huey easily gets him to practically confess to trying to kidnap Oprah just by just stating the fact of what the kidnappers did that day.

Riley is shown to be pretty materialistic as a lot of people who aim for the stereotypical “gangsta” rapper lifestyle tend to be. His view on life and success are even mostly materialistic and involves him having a lot of fame, a lot of money, or both. When he thinks about his future as a painter, the main thing that comes to his mind is how much money he’d make from selling the paintings. He also appears to love video games. Matter of fact, in nearly every episode he’s not the main focus of, he can be seen playing some kind of video game. This could possibly be hinting towards the fact that if he didn’t have them as a good source of entertainment at the house, he’d most likely be pretty bored.

He doesn’t mind lying to get what he wants. When a teacher calls him a “nigga” he makes a big deal out of it, claiming it was really offensive and that he never uses that word. Ever, Just so there would be a possibility that they can sue the school and make money out of it. Something similar happened when he lies to Pimp My Ride to try and get his Grandad’s car pimped out by saying he’s blind. He does it again with Extreme makeover: Home Edition.

He’s been shown to be brave also. He tries to save Gangstalicious from being shot (again) even though the people chasing them had guns.

And last but not least, he thinks nearly everything is gay. If you’re a guy and you sit next to him in the movie theater, you’re probably gay, and if that’s the case he’ll move over. If you show any emotions whatsoever to a friend of yours who happens to be a guy? You’re probably gay too. And if you’re in prison and you’re talking about how your homosexual relationship with one of the inmates has been declining as of late he’ll think that’s also gay-well okay that actually is gay, but you get the point.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]:
After the Hunger Strike episode (episode 29)

[journal post]:
[The video feed clicks on to show a young boy slowly sitting up, and rubbing his head. Sleeping on the concrete obviously didn’t feel very good at all. Speaking of which, that brings up the question of why he was sleeping on the ground in the first place.]

Ow, my head… Where am I? [Hey is that a cell phone? He reaches over, and the camera is a little shaky for a minute before Riley’s head comes into focus] Dang, some dumb nigga just left this hanging out on the street? This is tight. [He scrolls through the options and first thing he finds out is that there isn’t any games on it] What kinda broke bitch can’t even put no games on his cell? ...Oh well, mines now. [He puts the phone in his pocket. Hey, it’s better than his old phone at least.]

[Riley gets up and starts to walk around. He looks at the city that didn’t share many if any resemblance at all to Woodcrest. And that was beginning to scare him. He starts calling out][There was no answer. Only maybe the slight echo of his own voice responded back to him. Huey and Grandad weren’t anywhere in sight] C-come on ya’ll this ain’t funny no more, I’m startin’ to get scared! Hello!?

[third person / log sample]:

Riley was sitting down on a wooden chair in the dining room part of the kitchen. His elbows were rested firmly on the table and the sound of beep and boops could be heard faintly over the speakers of his PSP that he was holding firmly in his hand mashing away at the buttons and slamming his thumb across different areas of the D-pad to get his character to move. This was a normal activity for Riley. He did this almost daily matter of fact. But there was one thing just a tad bit different about this experience on this particular day. And that was his older brother, Huey sitting on the other side of the table. He was giving him some kind of lecture on black culture or some shit. They were actually having some kind of discussion that Riley had long since lost track of at this point. He found the sanctity of keeping his eyes glued to a screen of bright colors and lights to carry far more interest then anything his brother had to say right now. There was a time early on in the conversation that he was able to multicast, half-paying attention to what his brother was saying, but still able to give his opinion with some witty comebacks here and there-- much to his brother’s displeasure-- but now, the conversation had lost all of it’s entertainment value and the only thing left to entertain himself with was his PSP. Unfortunately, Huey started to take notice that he wasn’t paying attention to anything he was saying in the slightest, and decided to speak up on the matter.

“And that’s why- hey, are you listening?” no, he wasn’t listening. Huey always seemed to love to talk when nobody was even listening to a damn word he was sayin’. Riley could tell by the look on his face that that was less of a question, and more of a statement actually. Huey had known him far too long to not notice such a thing so there was no use hiding it. He decided to go with the more direct approach and just out right end this whole conversation. “Nah, I ain’t listening to that shit! Man, yousa bitch.” The last part Riley only mutters out. It was almost to himself out of pure frustration for having to endure this crap from Huey. Damn, did he like putting people to sleep with all this blah blah blah shit? He had had it up to here with it. But if he had muttered it quietly to himself, Huey probably wouldn’t have heard it, and he wanted him to know what it was he said. He’d at least get some enjoyment out of his angry retort.

And sure enough, the displeased expression on the afro maniacs face was very much apparent. “Riley! You can’t try to end every debate with ‘yousa bitch’!” But the problem is that he was a bitch. If there was possibly any better name that wasn’t as insulting as being called a bitch, he’d probably use it, but he couldn’t think of one, so bitch it is. But one thing about that sentence did not sit well with Riley. it reeked of ‘I’m telling you what to do’ and Riley honestly did not like being told what to do. By anyone. Especially not his older brother by only two years of age. Damn, niggas read a few poetry books and they think they all that. Riley’s response to that is somewhat quick and not very well thought out at all.

“Yes I can!”

At that moment, he saw his brothers face frown up even harder then it does normally. The afro’d wonder had ease slowly past the point of being simply annoyed by his little brother’s behavior. He Riley took notice that Huey’s voice get louder the next time he spoke. “No you cannot!” And now they had reached the point of no return. It seems like a week couldn’t go by without Riley arguing or fighting with Huey about one thing or another. And the reason was as clear as day in Riley’s mind. It was because Huey was a certified, run of the mill, B.A.N. That’s right, Bitch. Ass. Nigga. And on top of that he was also a complete and total hater. Damn, was this a rule with older brothers or some shit? His next retort is a little better thought out, but it doesn’t take long to conjure up at all. Riley was witty when he wanted to be.
“But you are a bitch! What you want me to do, lie!? Grandad told us it ain’t good to lie, Huey, you setting a bad example!” It was true. Back when they were much littler their Grandad had told them that lying wasn’t a good thing to do. And here was Huey, bringing his ol’ B.A.N Haterade drinking self trying to get his little brother to lie. That ain’t even right.

“What are you talking about, you lie all the damn time Riley!” Huey’s voice sounded like he was very confident in his words, and he had a reason to be. Even Riley knew that his words held some weight behind them. Damned If he was just gonna come right out and say it though. No way he was gonna give up that easily. ‘Specially not to a lil’ bitch.

“No I don’t! Name one time I lied!”

“You just lied to try and get money from the school!” This was actually pretty true. He did lie to get money from the school, but the complaint he had was absolutely legitimate, so he can’t go denying the facts.

“I wasn’t lyin’, that word is offensive!”

“Riley, nigga was one of the first words you even knew how to say! You call everyone a nigga!” He did throw around nigga pretty much everyday since he learned the word. The problem is there was a big difference between him saying it and just some ol’ white teacher saying it. If he say it, he’s black so there ain’t gonna be no consequences or nothing. But if a teacher say it it, he better be prepared to come out his pockets with that paper.

“SO!? That don’t mean I want that old ass white nigga to use it!” and after those words escaped from his mouth, he could see his brother very quietly face palm, almost pinching the bridge between his eyebrows in frustration before he picks up his book off the table and leaves. You’d think Riley would be happier about “winning” the debate, but it was bitter sweet conclusion. Like incredibly bitter. Like some of that bitter sour candy that white kids seem to like so much. He sinks back into his chair and continues to play on his PSP. At least he could enjoy his game in peace now, damn.

ooc, hmd, app

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