This update is long overdue.

Aug 03, 2004 15:11


day one.
guy loses wallet/money/driver's license.
drive's anyway. get to the hotel.
they tell us our room isn't ready yet.
we say we are taking back sunday and
that we'll be back at three o'clock.
danced for every breakdown i heard.
all bands are awesome even though
sick of it all doesn't play any old stuff.
back to the hotel. so tired and can't sleep.

funnest: full blown chaos.

day two.
no redeeming social value is the shit.
they're also the only band i danced to
that day bc the first day i tired myself
out like a total idiot. don't care.
it was good to see brendan do jumping
jacks in the pit once again.
also saw etown concrete. sick.
that night. we get a little too wasted.
get kicked out of three (four?) hotel
rooms. me and brendan end up eating
mushrooms at 3am in the other hotel's
parking lot.retarded but fun idea.
i threaten some little girl with the
ice bucket. she runs away down the hall.
we start making drinks in the room and
realize the sun is up. go down to breakfast.
guy falls asleep and we decorate him in
waffle syrup, butter and french toast
soaked in orange juice. we leave bc
the staff is threatening to call the cops.
we leave guy there.when we come back,
he's waking up then i remember i tied
his shoelaces together.. so i go back
to the room. minutes later. he storms back
in cursing everybpdy out. bla bla bla

quote of the day:
"joe stop laughing im gonna have a stroke."

day three.
wake up. there's crushed donuts on the carpet
next to me and under me. don't bother to shower.
housekeeping is telling us we're getting the cops
called on us if we don't vacate the room so we do.
get to hellfest in time to see zombie apocalypse.
awesome band, awesome set.check them out now.
the middle of the day didn't really happen.
i remember waking up on the balcony a couple times.
and hearing shai hulud play. then mostpreciousblood.
then i move into the other big ass air conditioned
room where the tattoo fest is going on. fall asleep
in the middle of the floor. wake up around 7:15.
just in time to get myself together and go see
25 ta life. and everyone's getting kinda anxious
bc what we had been waiting for all weekend was
about to happen : bad luck 13 riot extravaganza.
it's their last show so it should get crazy.


"i hear they've got firearms and they're
just gonna shoot people..... "

"they're making everyone think they're slipknot,
so mad people crowd in and then get killed. "

"dude they're having like 200 of their friends
line the room so no one can get out. then they're
releasing attack dogs."

none of that happened..

but they did flip the bleachers.
people were bleeding from the eyes.
someone got scalped?or so i hear.
they strapped explosives to the stage.
and blew it up.
skinned animal heads were thrown at the
crowd. half the security guards were down
with FSU and bad luck 13 so they didn't
stop a good goddamn thing. awesome fucking set.
i didn't even wanna stick around, but now that
i did. i'm pretty happy i got to see their last show.

all in all it was a good weekend.
i met a lot of cool new people.
i'll probably never see most of them
ever again.i walked away with three
new t shirts.and no nrsv skateboard deck.
grfff..kevin walked away with god knows
how many fucking t shirts. like 25?
and a hatebreed jersey..
he gave me his zombie apocalypse t shirt
and his converge t shirt..

that was nice of him.

okay i think i'm done with this
stupid fucking life story update.

later fellasssss.

oh yeah blood for blood cancelled.
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