no more blunts please.

Jun 17, 2004 13:14

how come everyone decides to buy me forties all on the same night???
and why would i volunteer to smoke a blunt with brendan and pat???
and i wonder where this gash on the top of my head came from???
and now that it's thursday why am i taking so long to get
ready to go get my tattoo???

i'm supposed to be meeting eric hoff
before i go to get my ink done.
i'm mad excited to see that kid.
i think the last time i saw him
was the day BOTH broke up...
he told me to keep in touch..

...i guess i'm gonna go shower.

i'll keep you motherfuckers posted.

this is my new tag :

Main Entry: mosh
Pronunciation: 'mäsh
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: perhaps alteration of mash or mush
Date: 1987
: to engage in uninhibited often frenzied activities (as intentional collision) with others near the stage at a rock concert
- mosh·er noun
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