Oct 03, 2005 18:53

This weekend was fuckin AWESOME~!!~ Me, Jamie, Heather, n Faith hung out all weekend. We spent most of the weekend over at James' house *he sooo wants me* lol, it was great fun. Friday night we all just hung out, we didnt drink but we went all around to people's houses n hung out. Saturday night we got drunk at James' n lets just say I was soooo drunk I didnt come home. Jamie had gone to a party at Bun's house, she met up with some people at the Wayside n wanted us to go too, but I was sooo drunk I had no idea what was going on so I just kept telling Man n Heather what James wanted me to tell them n we all ended up back at his house. We drank some more, James passed out n then I guess I did cuz when I woke up all I heard was Heather screaming "FINE IF YOURE NOT GONNA FUCKING ANSWER ME THEN ILL JUST LEAVE BY MYSELF~!!~" then I heard her slam the door n Man say, "well Ill walk with you" n I went back to sleep. Apparently they walked all the way back to Oaktree~!!~ Johnny had left earlier that night, I was kinda disappointed cuz we were watching forensic files together n having nerdy conversations. I was kinda wishing I wouldve not been so mean to him the weekend before, but I didnt realize that he was cute AND smart... So Sunday James n I hung out for awhile at his apartment n then Man, Jamie, n Heather came over. Man would not leave alone how crAzy I am n how much he loves me, lol. We went back to Faiths n then decided to go to Taco Bell. Jamie n I went back to our apartments to shower n get ready. Then we met up n went to get her money from Horizon West. James n Man came with us. They started bothering some gurl n her boyfriend came out. Apparently he had something they wanted cuz they kept talking to him. I went back to the car n told Jamie I was leaving. I guess Man got in her face n like pretended to hit her. She got defensive *of course* n told him we were leaving that she wasnt putting up with his shit. We offered James a ride but his stupid ass just stood there, probably not understanding what we were saying. We left n he called me like 12 times begging me to come n get them cuz Man was wayy drunk n I guess he lost one of his shoes n was passed out sprawled eagle on the ground n James couldnt carry him anymore. I told him they shouldve thought about that before they started talking shit. I guess he carried Man all the way back to Oaktree *LOL* We started drinking at Heather's at like 10ish. Amy *Ray's baby's mama* was there, she left to go see Ray like halfway through the night though, even though she kept telling me he was ugly n a fucking asshole. RIIIGHT~!!~ She had these two dudes come over n they brought their white friend Nate *hott 'surfer' guy from SDA*. He talked to me n told me that he made that whole speech up n he really has never even seen a surf board. Then he told Faith that he could dance better than her, probably because she turned him down. We left n went to Bun's house. He came up to me n was like "OMG Nicole~!!~ You rode my bus in like third grade, we always used to drop you off at n he said where my house was" The entire night he treated me like a damn QUEEN~!!~ He was getting me jello shots left n right n constantly hugging me. Then we saw BZ n Arianna *Rods other sisters* BZ came up to me n was like "OMG Jamie told me who you were n I couldnt believe it cuz my mom always told me that you n youre sister were like HUGE bitches, but you know I told her I hung out with you n that you were sooo sweet~!!~" Arianna had an attitude but after like 5 mins of talking to me she gave me her number, with BZ's n they said they wanted to hang out again. Then I saw Sumo~!!~ After a few hours some crAzy dude started yelling about how he wanted all the Natives n the African Americans to fight n I guess he tried to punch James in the face. Sumo grabbed him n threw his ass out. I guess after that he went to the neighbors n called the cops. Everyone started running. I met Jamie n Heather out at my car, Faith had drove her own. Pretty soon Man came running out n we all got in. We were getting ready to leave n BZ came out so I yelled for her to get in, then Arianna came running out n we couldnt leave her so she got in too. The crAzy dude who called the cops came up to my car n tried to grab the door, BZ kicked him in the stomach n closed it. Heather had her window down though n he tried to jump in, she hit him in the face n rolled it up. We drove off without him in it, but he scratched my car. BITCH~!!~ I assumed that everyone else was with Faith so we left n went to Eli's house to party it up some more. When we got there Michelle Marshall n Lauren were MIA. We all started flippin out then cuz neither one of them have cells. After a lil while Michelle showed up, but Lauren was still gone. I guess they had taken off running through the field n gotten split up. I kept apoligizing to Michelle cuz I honestly thought she was with Faith, but she said she didnt care, when the cops come, youre on your own. Eli's neighbors called the cops too, so then we headed out to Michelle Webber's house. me, faith, man, James,BZ, n some other people rode in faiths car. When BZ got in James was like you can sit on my lap ho *cuz there was no room on the seat* I was soooo pissed I looked at him n was like dont fucking call her a ho. He got in my face n was like "man you fuckin think youre related to everybody, you dont know her better than me, I can say anything i want to her, you dont fuckin know me, so shut up bitch" I was annoyed cuz he didnt even hear or understand what I had said so he was yelling about nothing n none of it made sense. Man got mad n turned around n told him to shut the fuck up cuz he didnt need to talk to me like that. We argued all the way to Meesh's house. I wasnt having fun anymore so I just had Heather n Faith take me home. I told Faith I knew he was gonna be calling me later.I got home n watched t.v. for awhile then laid down to go to bed. My phone rang so I got up, it was James... I guess Jamie n all them had left them there AGAIN n he wanted a ride. So of course I had to remind him of how he had talked to me. He didnt remember any of it. He said he had no reason to disrespect me because he really likes me. I thought it was all bullshit though so I hung up on him n called Jamie. James called me like 6 times n we went back n forth with the same shit. Then Man called. I told him I would go get him, but not James. We hung up n he called me back to see where I was. Then somehow we got going on everything again n Man all of a sudden didnt remember James saying anything to me. So I just told them I was going to bed n I didnt fucking care how or IF either one of them got home. Then James called me back asking if I was still staying at his house~!!~ I was like bitch I dont have to worry about a ride home cuz I am home, why am I gonna leave??? especially after all this... He just kept saying well I dont know why youre listening to those hos cuz I never said that... He didnt realize he said it right to MY FACE n no one was telling me he said it. Jamie called him after that n bitched at him. She had to remind them that yes, it was ME who punched James in the face the other night n it was JAMIE who smacked Man upside the head the other day, we're not the stupid lil bitches they think we are n we will not hesitate to kick ass~!!~ I know hes gonna be calling me again AND again, theyre just like that... It was all great fun though. Definately worth EVERYTHING~!!~
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