DrUnK AsS FiGhTs~!!~

Jun 11, 2005 09:23

Im gonna finish my lit analysis today, but I needed to update on last nights events first *sorry it took me so long Misha~LOL* So we were gonna drink last night n head out to the bar *usual weekend* but no one but me, Derek, n Amelia could go out last night so we decided not to. Amelia n I left n Derek decided to go to bed *since he works today*. Amelia n I went to the sex store n then we went to McDonalds for McFlurries cuz it was fuckin hott out~!!~ We were driving around trying to figure out where we could sit n eat them cuz we didnt wanna go back to the apartment yet. We were driving downtown *down Main*, we drove past Martys *its a bar for all of those that dont know* n we got to the light by Downtown Discount. These two big groups of people were walking down the sidewalk n they were yelling. I just assumed that they knew each other cuz drunk people tend to yell, even if its friendly. One of the groups was like Mexican or Native or something. They were walking into the apartments above Downtown Discount. They got across the road n one of the people in the *white group* yelled something at one of them. The guy turned around n started yelling back. They walked back across the street n like two or three of them stayed in front of the door. They got in each others faces n started yelling. Then the white guys started jumping around n lifting up their shirts. One of them was actually pretty funny cuz one of the guys kept lifting up his shirt n like grinding his pelvis. I have NO IDEA what he was doing, but it was HiLaRiOuS~!!~ Then one of the white guys took his shirt off n threw it on the ground n him n one of the other guys just started goin at it. They were hitting each other sooo hard we could hear it~!!~ We were parked in the parking lot across from downtown discount. After that they ALL just started fighting~!!~ The one white guy that took off his shirt was beatin hard on this guy, he had him on the ground n some other guy came up on him n was like 'what the fuck thats my brother~!!~' started pounding on him. He kept hitting him in the head n I think the guy got knocked unconscious cuz there was like this bike leaning against one of the trees n they had him leaning up on that when one of their friends came n got him n was like 'Billy you've gotta stop youre fuckin gonna kill him' the white kids friend came n like grabbed him underneath each one of his arms n LITERALLY dragged him away down the sidewalk. After that, the guy that broke it up was kinda mediating n got the people that were walking to the apartment to start walking that way again, they got half way across the street n one of the white guys called one of the other guys a bitch n told him to come back. The guy ran back across the street n they started fighting again, all the rest of them followed along n IT WAS ON~!!~ Me n Amelia were sitting on those lil benches *if they are really benches~LOL* the whole time just eatin our ice cream n chillin. No one realized but a cop car had pulled up. One of the white guys looked up n saw the cop getting out of his car n took off running. The cop chased after him n slammed his ass to the pavement~!!~ He ran around the block to make sure no one else took off then another cop car pulled up. All the Native/Mexicans took off up to their apartment. The white guys mustve given them up cuz the other cop went right in n brought out three guys in cuffs. He had two of them sitting on the curb n another one lying over the hood of the car. It was like one in the morning so I couldnt call many people to tell, but we called the people we could~!!~ *LOL* I called Sam cuz I knew he'd be awake, plus I wanted to see if he wanted to go out with us tonight. Kristy answered n was giving me shit until I told her who I was. She told me that I could call Sam as a friend, but not as anything more. I kept explaining to her that I was happy for them n I didnt want anything to do with Sam like that, but she just kept saying it. She kept telling me how happy Sam was that they were back together n stuff. What a fucking psycho~!!~ I mean shes ok sometimes, but shes just one of those people that thinks shes hott shit n is always like 'yeah Im not afraid to say anything to anyone, I dont care...' She reminds me of someone that would be on Jerry Spinger. Not that Im the slightest bit interested in Sam, but he could do WAYYYY better~!!~ It also makes no sense to me cuz the night that we were at the bar he was hiding from her n then that night she showed up at his house he was really pissed. Then she was at his bonfire n they were friends n now theyre together again *after 4 years she told me~LOL* well Im gonna go write my paper. Ill update more later Im sure...
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