_John Dies at the End_ by David Wong

Oct 19, 2012 09:40

On the whole, I enjoyed it, so if you're a horror fan, you might consider picking it up from the library or if the Kindle version goes on sale for $3.99 again.

I ... really couldn't tell you what it was about, particularly. It's mostly about some people who become capable of seeing weird things in the world, and how they deal with it. Some bits of the plot feel like _A Wrinkle In Time_ put through the nightmare machine, but then I got the feeling that the plot had sort of wandered off and gotten lost. There were things that I *think* the author meant to explain, but which made no sense to me. To some extent, I thought that might be intentional -- a large chunk of the book was devoted to how confused the main characters were about what was going on. But then, there were very minute explanations of other things, in the manner that felt like I was *supposed* to see them as revelations -- and often I didn't. I'll grant that I was often reading the book when I was a bit sleepy, but even so, I think Mr. Wong didn't communicate quite as well as he intended to.

Also, there were times that the plot evaporated almost entirely for a few chapters, and became just an excuse to string together horrific scenes. Often very *inventive* horrific scenes, and the writing in them was pretty good, but it got to feel like he had a notebook of terrifying images he'd written down over the years, and wanted to make sure he got all of them into the book.

tl;dr: If you like dark-humored horror, you could do a lot worse.
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