May 31, 2008 07:05
A year or so ago, I started drinking decaf tea and stopped having coffee at home, and would only occasionally have coffee if I was in town in a cafe or whatever. Exam time approached and I've been staying up later revising and not sleeping well, so I started drinking coffee again... Only now it makes me feel really ill. Like proper 'if I move I will throw up' ill. So yesterday before my exam I was throwing up, thought maybe it was because I was very nervous about that exam (turned out to be pretty good actually, although the paper has so many mistakes in it that they had to re-write it and give us another copy 40 minutes in! We got some extra time...) So this morning my body has been making a pretty impressive effort at throwing up, but I haven't eaten anything since yesterday evening so it's having a touch time, (not stopping it trying though *le sigh*). Anyway, have realised that I'd taken a couple of pro-plus both mornings, so now am wondering if it's that...?
Is it possibke to be intolerant to caffeine? And can you develop an intolerance? Cause I thought intolerance was due to lack of an enzyme... and clearly you can't lose an enzyme. *ponders*
When exams are over (in 4 hours and 20 minutes, woot!), I shall do an experiment with caffiene and whether or not I throw up...
Sorry to bother you guys with vomitting this early in the morning!!