A qualified Year In Review...

Jan 02, 2007 11:28

1) I burn fags for fun!
-I completed my wood-fired bread oven backing October. In the course of playing with I’ve learned that heating takes a lot of time, and is best done with small hot fires fed by brush or sticks rather than splits of wood.

2) A stable and healthy relationship.
-By “stable” I mean I’ve always just pissed Shawn off, but have a steady supply of Scharfenberger. By “healthy” I mean she hasn’t killed me yet and (because) I haven’t run out of chocolate.

3) Worked hard to strengthen familial bonds.
-Meaning I have my brother’s phone numbers and have used them all at least once this year, and that after a year of dating I’ve openly admitted to my mom that I have a girlfriend.

4) Epicuriously enough…
-I have learned how to cook at least a dozen different dishes, make egg noodle pastas, and nearly got “ok” at making two kinds of bread: sourdough and ciabatta.

5) Blah blah blah…
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean quam. In adipiscing adipiscing nunc. Aliquam dictum blandit risus. Morbi semper risus ac est. Phasellus risus. Vivamus magna massa, dictum in, nonummy id, faucibus bibendum, diam. Phasellus tincidunt, dui sit amet ultricies rhoncus, nisi lectus consequat arcu, vitae dignissim tellus diam non massa. Phasellus et ligula tincidunt arcu pulvinar euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla non neque. Praesent sed velit nec tellus hendrerit dapibus. Aenean tincidunt auctor odio. Vestibulum a est. Maecenas nulla. Donec interdum, neque quis congue rutrum, nisl tellus placerat ipsum, quis eleifend neque leo et sapien.

...to be continued.
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