(no subject)

Feb 15, 2007 23:31

Dear Miss Manners:
I am a capable cook. Shawn *shrug* she's ok.
I make a habbit of packing my own lunches comprised of leftovers from the previous night's dinner. They are inexpenssive, sensable, well ballanced, but enticing meals. And weight about 4lbs each. I store them in unglamourous plastic tubs, which I slip in to fridge when I get to work in the morning.
I work in an office.
At lunch time I wait for an oppertunity to use the microwave to heat my meal, then return to my desk to eat as there is no lunch room and I can work thru lunch. I make no great show of my meals, I don't chat with my coworkers about what I'll be having, and I don't conspiciously hide them from those around me so as to beg questions: It's just lunch! However, most every day, questions go well beyond the "What are you having?" or "Mmm.. That smells good." of casual comments to "Hmmmm.. Something Smells Good! Is that Yours Thadd?" or most annoying is the constant, conspicious sniffing, like a dog trying to find a bone... only they hone in on my lunch. Today, my spagetti became its own topic of conversation!
How can I succinctly, but politely, let them know that I don't appreciate them prying in to my lunch?
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