Feb 25, 2009 05:52

OK, so. Went to ConDFW last weekend, and...OMFG.

Got to hang out with my favorite published author (Jim Butcher) and his wife (Shannon Butcher). As in, stand around chatting aimlessly and laughing. With no other fans anywhere in earshot.

I'd met him briefly at FenCon a couple of years ago, after I illustrated one of his short stories for the con's souvenir book. He was very enthusiastic about my illustration, and came across as a very genuine guy. I asked him to autograph the book, and he refused unless I autographed HIS.

Cut to: This year. Went through the (amazingly long) autograph line - I was in the first fifty or sixty folks in a line that stretched all the way across the hotel. Got to chat with a friend from his message boards somewhat - she's very cool. Then I made it to the front of the line. Chatted with Shannon for a while instead of ignoring her like most folks were. She's a best-selling author as well, only she writes romance novels, and not many people were there with her books to autograph. She's very sweet. Then it was my turn. I chatted with Jim for a few moments, and he remembered the illustration as he signed that FenCon book for a friend of mine.

Then, there was dinner. THIRTY people went to dinner with Jim and Shannon. Jim, being who he is, made sure everyone got a little of his attention, and at one point came and sat by Aimee to chat with the folks at our end of the table for a good fifteen minutes.

Then, I'm gonna have to continue this when it's not time for me to get a shower and start my day (dammit...) Sunday's when things took a turn for the cool, and there is much to write. And pics to link.
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