Jan 27, 2004 20:57
I went to the hospital today. i was there from 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM. So after everything, i found out...i passed the stone sometimes yesterday or the night before and that the only reason i was in pain yesterday is because the tube from your kidney to your bladder, theres only supposed to be a small hole for the tube (I'm not really sure if this is all right, its what my mom told me), well that tore and plus is was all inflammed (dont know if thats how you spell it). but im all better, besides when i have to go to the bathroom. they still had to stick the scope in my urethra (cant spell again) aka pee hole, so when you go to the bathroom you can tell. When i got home from the hospital, i ate, i hadnt has anything to eat in almost 20 hours before that. then i slept, but i was only like half asleep, so i heard what everybody said, and i was dreaming what was happening, and i thought i was awake. i found out i was sleeping when my moms friend got here and brought us dinner, and her daughter (her names samantha and shes like 5-7 years old) she brought me jello, because she thought that was all i could eat. and she made me a card and brought me some flowers that she picked. it was sooooo cute. ok well its time for me to go rest again. goodnight. ill write again tomorrow since i cant go to school or do anything for 24 hours.
night night