Mar 19, 2005 11:10
eEe! hEy uRbody!!! its beEn fOr fReakin ever sinCe i wrote in this i deFf. dont want this layOut anymOre bUt i never got the time to change it so o weLls hmM... well its >SpRiNg bReAk< dEfF. cant wait to hIt the beach! yEsS. We'll be beaching it mOnday i was 'posed to go today but allan has baseball practice later today so we'd have to cum bac early so were all jus guna wait plUs its kinda chilly so me and allan arE gunna gO to the mall instead. man yesterday was pretty stressfUl Ok. welP i put this lOtion on muh faCe cuz i freakin got a zit!! ahH!and i jus wantEd it to go away!! so i put this cReam stuFf on it and it like burnt muh face and its all red and burnt in tht area :( gEeze i was so piSsed i alMost cryed i dont want pPl to see me like tht! but nOoNE even nOticed it. i was like hellO how can u miss it! but yea so i jus had to suck it up cuz i was 'poSed to go to the movies tht night w/ kayLee,andRew, and allan <3 and welp it turns out KAYLEE uGh u whore!!i lOvE YoO ThO! couldnt go she had to wash dishes so it was juS the 3 of us and andrew soRta got left out.....and was piSsed when he got home cuz she didnt go so i told him to call her and tell her he was sad.. aww im hOoking them up!!! they r gunna be soOoO [cUte] dOuble dates!! lol riight bOb [bm] anywu so after taking them home we were on oUr way home and omg! >bRaCe uRsElF< We hit a kItTy!!!omg!i bOut flipped out! i was so upsEt i jus couldnt stop cryin lol as the night went on i got over it but uGh! it was jus a stressful night.kaylee not cuming the movies,me having tht big blOtch of red on muh face! and hiTting a kItTY! buT anywu yea and jAson is totally being an ass get this he thinks ever since ive been goin out w/ allan tht i avOid him and dont look @ him so i dont have to say hey....? Ok. but im not even going 2 start w/ him he is so mUch drama but we'll fIx it...later. well i got to go get ready for the mall and i havent talked to muh GHeTto ganksta shining start tOday [rObyn] so ill probably go call her and talk bout our *plans* for tommorow pCe niggas eXx*OhH //Crystal*Lynn//