--->yUp<--- uGh! i HaTe SkAnKS!!!

Feb 21, 2005 21:51

well.. me and muh allan bOo r goin bac out. im so hapPy he is muh kEn and im his barbie!! i loOve him so muCh on >>valentines day<< he wrote me this really sweet lEtTer sayin he miSsed me and he'd always lOve me. yAy! and then we started  talking after tht and evErything turned Out [[gReAt]] hes @ a bAsEbAlL game right nOw //.tEaR.// but anywu. yEa well 2day after schoOl me and robyn chilled as always. we had a lOt of laughs [[ she even has laughs w/ her dawg ]] hOw weird is tht? she is soOo *buTch* loL. robyn! yea kayleE actuall thOught bOb marley went to OuR schOol. wTf? loL. she is soO BlOnDe. i love her to DeAtH!! I want a new layout and stuff for muh livejournal loL.so i did whut urbody else was dOin and....ask bianca loL. i doNt even kno her lamo! but she seems real sweEt and she ofFeReD to help so im excited! i dont kno whut im gunna do w/ it yet. man-O-man tht girl should start a efFing bussinesS cuz urbOdy gets her to do their livejournals. lOl.i really want to go bac to the TaNnInG BeD real soOn. im FaDiNg hahah! whitey..Oh wait thts lucas! i answered a really black question 2day it was when did tupac die...yUp i answered coRrEcTLy. but OmG! allan got home early and jus called so im OuT pCe mUh nIGgAs!! Xo
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