-->Uh....BoReD...hUnGRy..CoNfUsEd lil mE!!<--

Feb 19, 2005 13:40

A - Act your age - 15

B - Boyfriend -uH. dOnT GoT WuN..yEt.. BuT DrEw iS MuH SeXy cUpCaKe! <33

C - Chore you hate - cLeAnInG MuH RoOm //.GrRr.//

D - Dad's name -tOmMy

E - Essential make up item - --> lipgloSs <--

F - Favorite actor - uh.?

G - Gold or silver - gOld

H - Hometown - plant city  [[whOoP wHoOp reprEsent!]]

I - Instruments you play -uh. I sInG!!

K - Kids - dOnT GoT AnY BuT I WaNt tHeM WuN DaY...(no time soOn)

L - Living arrangements - mUh mOm aNd dAdDy

M - Mom's name - JuLiE

N - Nicest thing anyone ever said to you - Uh, tht im beautiful and uh, ill be perfect when i gEt muh bRaCeS OfF [[ ThEy pUsEd iT A LiL On tHt ]]

O - Overnight hospital stays -nEvEr

P - Phobia - BeIn lOnEly ahH

Q - Quote you like -'' when you start to miss sOmeOne from the past.. just remind yourself why they didn't make it to the future

R - Religious affiliation? - -->christian<--

S - Sibling - nOne.loL. I gOt a bRoThEr hEs 14.. i think?

T - Time you wake up? - WeEkDaYs 5:50 wEeKeNdS 12 oR 1

U - Unique habit - uH, i tAkE ShOwEr eVerYdAy...nO OnE TeLlS Me tOo eIthEr lOl.

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat - AnY KiNd Of bEaNs yUCk!

W - Worst habit - uGh! SaYiN ''like'' ToO MuCh

X - X-rays you've had - TeEtH X-rAyS iVe nEvEr bRoKe aNyThInG

Y - Yummy food you make - Uh. i cAnT CoOk.

Z - Zodiac Sign - LiBrA
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