Opps, my stereotyping is showing

May 20, 2010 10:36

So I got hoisted on my own feminist petard this morning when the cleaning person arrived at my house. I was expecting a cleaning woman, I got a cleaning man instead. Oops.. look at the stereotype I had in my head. Now granted, I've spoken to three different women setting up the appointment, so I think my expectations of a woman were at least somewhat reasonable.

But it never even crossed my mind that the service would send a guy.. which doesn't speak well about my modern thinking. Clearly, in my head, women still do all the cleaning. Which is really ridiculous considering that bardicstorm is actually a much much much more through cleaner than I am when he sets his mind to the work.

Still, CG working on my second bathroom now, and Bard told me upfront he'd never clean the bathroom, so this guy is breaking the mold. Well, actually scrubbing the mold off my window right now.. bless him. Advantage to being about 6 feet tall.


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