A weekend in review

Aug 24, 2009 15:24

My weekend technically started on Wednesday night when my friend arrived! Hurrah! Two years really is too long to go without seeing people. I need to make more efforts to get together with friends. Thursday was sorta work in that we went with my bosses to view the JCC Maccabi Games which were nearby. Not that we actually saw the kids playing anything, but it was nice to see this huge production that my work puts on. It's not under my view at all, but is what a good portion of the staff is devoted to throughout the year.

Friday was Coney Island briefly - way too hot to stay for long without bathing suits. And neither of us really wanted to be in bathing suits. So we took off for the mall to cool down a bit and then back to the house to cook. Yummy fajitas.. lots of peppers and onions.

Saturday we headed down to my favorite park on the island - Conference House. I like it because it has both beach and wooded walking and it's virtually empty due to the fact it's at the very end of the island. So very pretty down there. It was really hot out however, so we took a short walk around and took the tour of the house and then headed out for food. Perkins! Like in college all over again - so I ate way way way too much. And then we bought canoli for dessert and dinner. Food was chicken alfredo. Sadly I'd forgotten that bardicstorm really hates cheese sauce and so he had to have hot dogs because I dumped all of the sauce into the pan of noodles. Sorry hun.

Sunday we went to the Ren Faire up here and got soaking .. soaking .. wet. As in it soaked through the leather hat I was wearing. Yeesh. And we'd just bought the new feathers for our hats too - guess we'll have to get more feathers again. Although they did seem like they may dry out ok except for the white one that are now multicolored from having dye get all over them.

Back at work today and I really should be working on stuff instead of posting here.... yeah. Oh .. Lush stuff today also thanks to K going to the store for me.

ren faire, friends

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