nice weekend

Nov 17, 2008 12:20

This weekend was just lovely. Saturday day was actually warm enough to open the windows for a final airing out of the house before winter sets in. Lovely breeze with that fall wet leaf smell. And then Saturday night the new gaming group came over. Another couple nearby is going to be over most weekends to play and it's just so much fun to have something like that to look forward to doing. Plus he's a good cook so we eat well on Saturdays now.

The other up side to this is that it forces us to clean every Saturday now. Yay us! The first weekend we really only got the basic crap out of the house. But this weekend we actually did the windows in the front and living room. It makes such a difference to the amount of light in the kitchen.

Sunday wasn't as spectacular as I wasn't feeling very well. But I chilled on the couch with the kitteh and watched football and a race. So it wasn't fail at all. Also played a bit of EQ2 with the baby 'tonga - got her to level 26 I think. Long way to go. Tuesday is the next expansion and there are all kinds of goodies for my baby characters in addition to some really really lovely things for my main Lysari.

The seriously un-fun part of the weekend was facing down the bills. Yeouch that was painful. But the good news is that we are caught up again and it looks like I can keep us there until Bard is employed again. Except for the gas bill which will skyrocket as soon as we turn the heat on. But, they'll get what we can afford to pay them and will have to deal with it. I'm sure we're not the only customers this year that are going to struggle mightily to pay them.

Christmas is going to be tighter than tight. Don't know how we're going to swing presents, but something will come through for us I'm sure.

gaming, eq2, bills, life, cleaning

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