So it turns out that, for now at least, I will not be friends-locking the ADF posts as
bardicstorm has thoughtfully included a link to my LJ in the new
Gaoth Si site that he is building for me. It isn't live yet, I have to actually write content for it, but having it link to this LJ will be very useful long term.
I will use a separate icon, probably this laughing tree-hugger one unless I get a better one, and I will mark them in the titles so anyone reading who isn't interested will know to just skip the posts.
I'll also be going back through the old entries to add the ADF tag as needed so that the
Gaoth Si blog is as complete a picture of this journey - including the bumps - as possible. I'm very excited about my progress so far and I am hoping to keep the momentum as I move into the summer.