Have any of you tried the reusable/sustainable/washable menstrual pad option? Every time my cycle rolls around, I consider exploring that option, but then I look at how much it would potentially cost me (five days of pads + five days of pad liners = about $130 on the lunapads.com site; I don't think in my 12 years as a menstruating woman I've spent that much on pads and tampons!), and I shy away from it again. What about reusable menstrual cups like the Diva Cup, the Moon Cup, or the Keeper Cup? They also range in price from about $30 - $40 from what I can tell, and that makes me a bit nauseous.
If you have tried any of these products, what was your experience with them? Did you love them? Hate them? Feel like a more whole woman because of them? How did you feel about the cleanliness of using such products? Did the pads and cups wash clean?
I know some people talk about the "ick" factor of being more in contact with one's genetalia using the cups, but I'm not really concerned about that. I feel comfortable with my body and am not "grossed" out by my period in general. I'm more curious about functionality and practicality than anything, but am also curious if you felt like it impacted your menstrual experience in either a positive or negative way.