May 27, 2011 01:41
It's been forever and a day since I've (or probably anyone) been on here and posted an entry. Some basic updates since the last, engaged, house shopping, and I guess in some ways making bank. That being said or at least brief updates, why am I up at 1:37 in the morning drinking juice and vodka after pulling one of 'the boxes' from out of my closet? There's no reason to go down that road but every once in awhile I do. It's like part of me won't let go, or can't let go, I can't really distinguish between those two lines. She's out of reach and I should be too but some things that are said to you stick to you and become an irritant for the rest of your life. "Thanks for feeling that way" will be five words I'll remember for the rest of my life. It was a high stomp on my heart and I guess in some way I deserved it because they always say what goes around comes around. ::Sigh::