mission statement-

Mar 04, 2005 08:07

I just want someone to wake up beside me, asleep & smiling. Someone's head resting beside my neck; we're locked in an innocent embrace & i can just take in their scent. Someone warm & flawed with nice lips and strong jaws; someone who's arm rests around my waist & touches me in public & makes me feel less ASHAMED.
i want someone familiar with being a FREAK & with insecurtiy, graced by the constant presence of UNnecessary pain...
fuck age
fuck sex
fuck gender

i want someone who knows what its like to be abandoned & used. somebody who knows that love transcends everything, beyond the norm, the staus quo, beyond good & evil. someone who knows everything else is a lie.
we could be outcasts together & lovers forever.
you need only apply...
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