(no subject)

May 07, 2007 17:57

Today, Dan Wabno called me the "Anti-Bando"... well I sort of am. But my parents disagree, especially considering my reaction of seeing Port Chester in Spiderman 3. I went very bando then. My parents said that I'm actually "Anti-Horton". Yes, he is a jackass, but thanks to him I have had the best year in high school because I've been able to do more than I ever have been able to do. I wouldnt have been able to be an aide in CCD, nor would my grades be as good.... I have a 93.5 in Honors PHYSICS!! But my life would be in hell if things worked out differently. I'm glad I got out when I did. Now I'm finding out that more of my friends, or use to be friends, are drunkards. So not cool. Yeah, I had a sip of the Govida liquour, unfortunately, I didnt like the flavor, but I liked it; and my bro says that I'll like the Bacari Raz. Who knows. I just dont think excessivefully drinking is all that fun. It's just not my thing. I like life as it is right now... except for the fact that there's 42 days left until GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!

life, band, school, love

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