{fanfic} The World, Piece By Piece (4, 5, 6/64) {Hetalia}

Feb 24, 2010 12:20

Title:Lost Scene
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): China, Japan.
Pairing(s): N/A.
Warning(s): Someone gets stabbed.
Summary: There was more reason to that action then there seemed.
Author's Note:The original legend was that a woman could not strike the bell, for the bell would rot and calamity would fall upon Japan. A vain, irreverent woman decided the bronze bell would make an excellent mirror to make up her face and hair with and went to Miidera for the sole purpose of sounding it. And it dulled and such. Sexist, yes. But I focused on what would fit.

“What is that, aru?”

China could not help his curiosity. It seemed like a normal bell, after all, but Japan seemed rather protective of it from where it hung.

“The bell of Miidera,” Japan responded tonelessly. China was certain the bell had more of a tone than Japan and decided to go find out.

Walking towards it finally got a rise out of him.

“You must not touch it!” the smaller man stopped in front of him.

“Why not, aru?” China questioned.

“It should not be touched by any not of my people's hands,” Japan responded coolly. “It rings out a clear sound once a day. If you wish to hear it, please come then.”

“What happens if someone else rings it, aru?” China sighed. This country was so picky!

“Such an action would pollute and dull the metal, as well as bring calamity upon me,” Japan responded immediately. China tried not to be offended, but his irritation rose quickly. Another country he would understand, but his touch defiling?

“That's stupid!” he retorted. He stared at him. Japan's face did not change. China sighed. “Fine then, aru. I won't touch the bell.”

At least, China decided not to try when Japan was around.

“I'll make it sound, aru,” China smirked, climbing up to the belfry. “And it will be grateful for it!”

The bronze bell stayed still, suspended in the air. China touched it.

The bronze he touched shrank leaving a whole where it once was smooth. The polish vanished.

The next night, Japan stabbed him.

Title: Degrees
Rating: G
Character(s): France, England, America, Austria, Spain, Russia, Germany, China, Japan, North Italy, and Canada.
Pairing(s): N/A.
Warning(s): Warm weather?
Summary: Not that he is wrong, but they can all agree America probably does not have a degree in making sense.
Author's Note: Everyone uses Celcius except for America (and others like Belize, but my point is there are not many). The UK uses both Fahrenheit and Celsius on a common basis, so I hear.

“Damn, it must be about forty degrees out!” France pouted as he opened the window.

“Not my fault the air conditioning's out,” England drank his tea. Hot tea. No one knew how he did it.

“Naw, you joking? That would be weird. It's definitely in the hundreds,” America nodded, certain in his words as always. France stared at him strangely.

“We'd be melting in the hundreds,” Austria said in a matter of fact tone, trying to ignore the fact his shirt still seemed to be retaining in every spec of heat around him.

“I don't think we would have stayed long enough for that,” Spain agreed. He was grinning, poking at the unconscious Russia who had refused to take off his scarf had had passed out from heat stroke a few minutes before.

“What are you guys talking about?” America demanded. He was not wrong, of course, but he knew something was up when everyone else seemed to agree to disagree with him.

“They are talking in Celsius, America,” England mentioned casually. “The Universal temperature language you refuse to get on board with?”

“Hey, Belize was with me on that too!” America mentioned the never before heard of country, never to be heard of again. Just like Canada.


“We aren't forcing you to change,” Germany began before America could open his mouth. The fact his words stampeded Cana-

Oops. Who?

“Yeah, we're just telling you why you get lost more than usual in our conversations, aru,” China agreed.

Japan had cleverly deigned himself to be quiet on the matter.

“I like Kelvin, myself,” Italy said happily.

The other countries turned on him in horror.

Cause really, that just could not be right.

Title: Seize The Day
Rating: PG
Character(s): Japan, America
Pairing(s): JpnUSA
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: Kiku agrees. Why waste the time dancing around it?
Author's Note: "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion." - author unknown. Alfred likes taking unknown things, if it helps him out any.
"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance." - Japanese proverb.

“What are you doing?”

“Um, what does it look like?”

Kiku was not certain he wanted to speculate as to what it looked like and fixed the blond with an incalculable stare. Kiku was quite good at those. Not that they did much against the other. Kiku was certain everything flew over his head.

So Kiku was not even going to bother to egg him on. After all, he was going to do it anyways.

“My people have a saying, y'know? 'Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion.' And I was just thinking about that and... well...”

“You came up with this?”

He nodded. Kiku could not help but smile.

“My people have a similar saying. 'We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.'”

“This isn't a dance.”

“Oh, but it is. It most certainly is.”

Alfred was cute when he was trying to think. Kiku decided to reward the effort.

Seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow.

russia, england, japan, spain, france, china, jpnusa, america, germany, aph: fanfic, north italy, austria, canada

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