{Fanfic} The World, Piece by Piece (10, 11, 12/64) {Hetalia}

May 20, 2010 15:47

Title: Lull and Story
Rating: G
Character(s): Lithuania and Russia
Pairing(s): N/A
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: Lithuania was a sailor and Russia was the Sea.

Lithuania was a sailor and Russia was the Sea.

One knows the dangers of the waters. They are never to be taken lightly and one should never take for granted the weather. For once done the waters will swallow them whole and leave calm in its wake. There was no one there, there had never been anyone there. There will never be someone there.

Yet there is the longing. Something there the waters offer that can never be gained on land. A certain freedom. A freedom in the captivity. Go wherever one would like in the Sea, but only where the small ship can take them. Try and go by oneself... and they will be destroyed.

People are not natural seafarers. It is much safer to stay on land.

So Lithuania tries to resist.

But the sea will not accept that answer.

And he gives in.

Title: Animal
Rating: PG
Character(s): Finland and Sweden
Pairing(s): N/A
Warning(s): Mentions blood
Summary: Never forget the animal instincts

Despite how scary he could look, he was so sweet.
Finland loved that about him.

Despite the being scared part.

"What do you want to do, Su-san?"

"D' we 've ta d' an'thn'?"

Finland would almost feel like scratching his head like he did to Hana-Tamago.

Though just sitting with him was enough.

Despite his stubbornness, he easily gave way.

Finland loved that about him.

Despite the never knowing when that would be part.

"I don't want to!"




Finland would almost feel as if the other had simply rolled over.

Though the blush had made him blush.

Despite his passiveness, there was the aggression.

Finland would shudder.

Tooth and nail. Unclipped claws and jaws of the canine.

No screams. No number of soldiers. Just the tactics which gave him victory.


"Yeah, Su-san? What is it?"

"L've y'."

"I love you too."

If only he could say that after he washed off the blood.

Title: Children
Rating: G
Character(s): Canada and America
Pairing(s): N/A
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: He was there, waiting for him. If only he cared.

"N-no! Don't go back! Being all alone in such a big place is scary! I'll be sad and lonely..."

"Alfred?" came the timid voice of Matthew. Alfred hugged his gun close to him and glanced over towards the trees.

"What'cha doing here, Matty?" Alfred smiled. Matthew took that as his cue to walk up alongside him.

"If I'm here England and France can't be arguing about me," Matthew said. Alfred's smile fell from his face instantly.

"They fight over you a lot." His voice was hollow.

"Being with you calms me down a lot..."

"They shouldn't, eh. I like 'em a lot better when they are nice to each other," Matthew's voice wavered.

"England is stupid."

"No..." Matthew swallowed. "He just can't agree with France-"

"I'm sorry. I know very well how it feels to be lonely. So I'll be back again."

Alfred turned away and Matthew rethought his words.

"Eh... England is stupid," Matthew agreed. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

Alfred continued to look away.

"I miss Arthur," Matthew finally said. He sniffed, keeping his tears at bay. Alfred stayed quiet.

"So you do your best too, and become strong."

"Me too." Alfred did not turn towards him. Matthew saw his shoulders shaking.

Matthew was not certain whether it was from sadness or anger.

sweden, america, russia, finland, aph: fanfic, canada, lithuania

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