Jul 28, 2006 17:53
so, some of you might have seen this guy who begs for money at the corner of President street right before the 83 exit. he's a black guy, maybe early 40s, and he has no arms, and one leg (two hook/grabbing mechanisms and a shitty wooden prosthetic). The guy can barely walk, but he still shuffles over to cars with a cup in his hook/clamp. ALot of people don't even look to the left to acknowledge him. This guy is the most balls-out, RAWest human being I've ever seen!. Talk about taking shit and dealing!
Every time I see that guy, and he's close to my car, I ALWAYS give him whatever small bills I got, sometimes a one, sometimes a five. It's worth it for the massive amount of perspective he gives me, and anyone else in the surrounding cars who knows how to truly SEE what they're seeing. The look in his eyes is that of a feral alley cat, like "there is NOTHING you can do to me that life hasn't already dealt me". I learn a little more each time I see him. He haunts the back of my mind with a calming influence. Kinda like the near-death experiences; a constant reminder that nothing is really worth worrying about too much.
I see couples arguing about stupid petty shit. I see friends wracking their nerves over what others may think. I've seen SOOO many loved ones doubt their potential for no concrete reason. I've been in the midst of serious emotional turmoil and just started laughing! cuz THAT GUY is hiding in the back of my head!. I've got my health, my arms and legs, a working set of sex organs, legal freedom. What the fuck else is there to need?
i recommend you all drive thu that corner at rush hour and try to catch a glimpse of this guy, give him a few bucks and look him in the eye. If not him, just drive around Baltimore and look for another, unfortunately there's probly alot more like him in this city.
Learn how to look at these people and let them into your head. It's an enema for your nerves, trust me.