Ahhh, free time

Jul 06, 2005 03:13

Haven't had work for 2 weeks. Actually getting shit done. Starting a business next month with Doug, gonna have a computer repair place. Been smokin a lot of weed, lol. I've actually been getting shit done, started learning music, gettin that circle of fifths down, not as hard as I thought it would be, actually easy as fuck. I've been getting motivated a lot more about doing music, I've got 3 songs almost finished, and one that is finished. But at the same time starting to thing that might as well say fuck playing music cuz I'm not gonna get anywhere with it by myself, and I cant find people around here, well, there's Cliff but I hardly ever get to talk to him anymore.

Learned Cubase a LOT more now, got some good shit goin with that, don't even need Guitar Pro anymore for making MIDIs for drums or synth or anything like that. Thinking about starting an audio service or something for local businesses that want music for radio or TV, since I can do professional sounding shit now, dunno about that yet. Getting an apartment next month with Doug, thats gonna be cool. Leaving for Fairmont, OH, and PA this friday, I'll be gone for like 2-3 weeks. Thats pretty much everything that's been goin on. Oh, got a new slim PSTwo and modded it, lol. Did it without voiding the warranty too. Haven't hung out with Jeff for a while, he's been too busy w/ his gf. I guess she moved into his house w/ him and his brothers, sister, and mom and his mom's bf. Jesus, too many ppl in that house. Pretty much 8 ppl in that house if you include ashlee's bf. Well, I'm gonna go finish this song and this J, w00t.
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