here you go
ciska 1. Favourite scent... weed
2. Favourite way to relax... roots reggae
3. Favourite movie you own... scarface?
4. Favourite movie you don't already own... eXistenZ
5. Favourite male movie stars... norton, pacino, depp, garcia bernal, hopkins ...
6. Favourite female movie star... uma thurman
7. Favourite book genre... unexpectedly surprising ones
8. Favourite clothing store... hard one... levi's?
9. Favourite non-clothing store... at this moment, flur
10. Favourite cartoon character... calvin. definitely.
11. Favourite CD you own... ada - blondie (but it changes every week)
12. Favourite CD you don't already own... 'bodily functions' from matthew herbert.
13. Pass the torch and tag five of your LJ friends!