praCtiCe + siCk = n0t a g00d c0mbiNati0n :(

Nov 12, 2004 16:28

whaddup y0o? n0thin Much mY waY...juss chiLLen at h0me waitin tiLL 5:15 t0o head 0ff t0 yet an0ther practice! :) t0daY we have practice tiLL 8:00...cant wait! its g0nna be freezing...this is the reas0n i g0t sick in the first pLace nd its g0nna be the reas0n i w0nt get rid 0f it!

n0 sch0oL f0r me t0daY...this shit-whatever it is i have- is kiLLin me. i t0oK s0me medicine t0 heLp mY thr0at but aLL it did was make me tired. but iLL be aiight... s0o t0nite me nd sheLbY have practice fr0m 5:30-8:00. which is against the Law might i add. y0o are 0nLy supp0sed t0 have practice f0r o2 h0urs. b0t sure whY cuz y0o cant acc0mpLish much in o2 h0urs but heY...what ever fL0ats their b0at??

weLL i sh0uLd g0 s0 i can g0 find 0ut where sheLbY is nd get her h0me s0 we can head 0ut...yeah!

<3 eRiiCa*NiiC0Le

owen -mY c0usin- sh0uLd be here t0m0rr0w!!!
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