
Oct 19, 2004 16:36

m0nDaYii had an aiight daY! me nd j0shua g0t ina fite but he had a reas0n t0 get mad...m0re 0n that Later. weLL when ii g0t t0 sch0oL ii met j0shua nd we taLked, waLked, nd he kissed me! :) surprising because he has a girLfriend nd she g0es t0 0ur sch0oL. he didnt even care if she saw us which is unLike him. o1st was aiight. mrs. sc0tt gets 0n my fukn nerves. me nd ashLey parr taLked b0ut me nd j0shua nd ii t0Ld her what was up nd she was happY! :) she is reaLlY the 0nLY 0ne wh0 kn0ws h0w much i L0ve j0shua nd h0w much he means t0o me! o2nd was g0oD...we watched a m0vie. "ThE crUcibLe" its reaLlY g0od. we juss g0t d0ne readin the pLaY. in h0mer00m were trYin t0 figure 0ut h0w t0o dec0rate 0ur d00r f0r h0mec0mming. i think its g0nna be cute? o3rd was b0ring juss Like aLYwaYs. bRand0n wasnt there agiin...i h0pe errYthings aiight. i was messin wit garrett s0o bad...L0L! it was funnY! o4th was fukn gaY! i hate that damn cLass...it reading. i have t0 take it cuz i faiLed that part 0f the FCAT. i kn0 iM dumb! but aLL we d0o is read nd answer questi0ns Like it wuLd be 0n the test! uhh...its s0 stupid! then i Left Like usuaLL. i had McD0naLds it was reaLLy g0oD! then i came h0me reaLL quik t0 Let sammY 0ut...mY d0g! when i g0t bak t0 sch0oL i went t0 w0rk...here c0mes the fite...are y0o readY? aiight: weLL me nd j0shua was taLkiin nd mrs. adkins came up t0 mY 0ffice t0o teLL me s0mething she needed me t0o d0 f0r her. cuz she didnt kn0 h0w t0o d0 it. weLL meanwhiLe j0shua is stiLL waitin f0r me t0 get d0ne taLkin t0 her nd devin waLks up nd basicaLlY pushes j0shua 0ut 0f the waY s0o he can taLk t0 me. weLL i turn ar0und just as j0shua starts t0o waLk 0ff nd i was Like "j0shua c0me bak!!" but he wa smad cuz 0f devin...errYb0dY keeps teLLn him i Like devin...he kn0s i d0nt but stiLL! i kn0 it gets 0Ld! s0o i was juss Like "devin i cant taLk..." he was Liike "w.e" but i d0nt care. then i came h0me nd mY dad was at mY aunts s0 ii st0pped 0ver there. then i went up t0 aLberts0ns t0 fiLL 0ut an appLicati0n. i kn0 a bunch 0f ppL that w0rk there s0 maybe iLL get the j0b? wh0 kn0s? when i g0t h0me me nd sheLbY Left f0r practice. we FiNALLY started teachn the girLs c0mpetiti0n stuff. i think they are actuaLlY g0nna d0 g00d if they keep w0rkin hard. pr0ps t0 mY gurLs :) i had mY d0ubts but i think we can puLL it t0gether. j0shua came up t0o the baLLpark t0 see me! im pr0ud 0f him he seems Like he reaLLy wants things t0 w0rk 0ut this time? h0pefuLLy theY wiLL...errYb0dY praY f0r us! :) when i g0t h0me i t00k a sh0wer nd ate. then i taLkd t0o j0shua f0r b0ut an h0ur than n0kd 0ut!

weLL that was m0nday y0o guYs...iLL update f0r t0daY after practice cuz i was supp0sed t0 leave 1o minutes ag0...0oPs...

<3 eRiiCa*Niic0Le

cuLd this me 0ur sec0nd chance t0o get things rite? ii beLieve it is... :)
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