Mar 24, 2005 15:38
There is something going on here...something i can't eplain. It seems very weird, it seems very strange. I really want this semester to be over. Summer wont be much better...i will have to take a couple summer classes and have a job so I'll have like no time at all. But at least I'll be home. I have come to realize that a lot of my life is spent in the background, so to speak. Just watching everyone and expecting something to happen, never making a move. I like to think that I have missed out on a lot growing up....well i dotn like to think that, its just true. But i ahve learned to cope with it. I never expect anything to great to happen anymore. I jsut take what i can get, celebrate the small victories. But i am still waiting for something big to come along...I think its called........d r e a m i n g. It is now officially spring, doesnt smell like spring, doesnt feel like spring....hmmm. It's been so long since I've seen the sun. When will I see the sun? Skies are gray and the suns not here to make me happy, fuck that stupid song. its all bullshit. toe hurts . im tired. im gonna yes , yes, that will do . no one reads this anyway, itsjust way for me to pass the time and maybe spew out a thought or 2.