Sep 22, 2004 20:39
I am tired of at least 105 degree temperatures every day. I am tired of being in Africa. I am tired of having to work all the time but not feeling like I am accomplishing anything. I'm tired of Bush being in office. I'm tired of people from all around the world explaining to me how pissed the entire world will be at us if we elect bush again and not feeling I can do anything about it. I'm tired of us pussy footing around this Iraq thing. If we want troops in Iraq give them the proper authority to seek out and destroy insurgents. I'm sick and tired of seeing children killed, burned and or and mangled buy american bombs in Iraq on non american media. I am soooo Pissed off! I have friends and colleagues in Iraq.
As a side note my friend Kareem is trying to start a library over here so the people can learn to speak and read english so if you have any books you don't want them anymore send them here. Children's books are good but any type of book will be appreciated.
C.O. ATC Platoon Sgt
APO AE 09363