Apr 14, 2004 12:52
ding update, been a while i guess. Well most of you will stop reading soons o i want you to go to the show this saturday at stumptown in mathews, its a big field sorta, right by the main road, with a decently sized stage. if i remember correctly. but yeah, spring break has been pretty good so far. had some good band practice, yesterday i mozied around all day with julia, and went to the arbo, and so on. im ready to record bands, i just advize that if you are going to be recorded practice playing with cds and stuff that wont change if you mess up. and uh, i got savage and freedom fighters the other day. freedom fighters is a decent game, pretty easy though, i beat it in like 3 days. savage is a good game, sorta frustrating when you first start playing it. ive sorta realized i dont really need to do that well in school to achieve the goals i want to achieve. im going to major in studio recording or something similar to that, and the schools that actually have that don't have the highest standards. yeah. i can't think of anything else. go have fun kiddies