May 09, 2006 09:10
I am currently sitting and waiting for a customer to e-mail me and tell me his data is on our FTP site.
While I am doing that I thought I would make a quick mention here.
For those who are not aware, I watch a lot of the G4 channel, as I would like to think that I am a bit of an avid gamer. This week, starting tonight, they are giving full coverage, 3 hours worth each night, on the E3 show. Why the fuck am I excited about this?
For those who are not gamers, this is an annual trade show that is ONLY open to members of the video game production world and the press that covers such production. IE, this is NOT usually open to the public in any way, and really, I can only be jealous at the things they get to see then sometimes share in small doses to the public. Feh, those bastards. Anywhom, this is a first as far as I am aware that they are allowing this much coverage to go out to the mass public in a live and direct manor. Some of the highlights of course will be the new 360 releases, the new Nintendo "We" system and of course, PS3.
Ahh, the PS3... This might be the first time I will have to skip purchasing a system for longer then I would like normally. The rumors at this point is a $700 release price. While apparently worth it, so is the fact that I would like to pay rent and bills in a given month. :) Not to mention the rest of the list that well supersedes this little novelty.
Anywhom, back to the grind.