Title: My Best Friend's Wedding
Chapter: 2
Pairings: Ohmiya, OhnoxOC (other pairings to come)
Rating: PG
Summary: Nino loves Ohno, Nino is also Ohno's best friend. So when Ohno wants to marry his long time girlfriend what does Nino do?
Warnings: Failed Humour, Generic Story, General Sucky Writing.
Notes: Nino's POV. Dedicated to
jamasunda because she's a
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Comments 51
Hopefully Jun will make Ohno open his eyes!
damn you, you erased the other entry!! DX
Ohno is blind and I as of yet don't know what to do with Jun XDXDXD
He might never appear again.
Yeah, I noticed lol
Freks OHNO!!! DX I feel like slapping him! XDD
It'd be nice if he appears again saying 'Hey you're the guy I kissed that time!' XDD making Ohno go O____________O
But yeah, it's not importan if he appears or not XD
I feel like slapping my own Ohno
He'll be very bruised by the end of this fic.
As long as Nino kisses him better.
He just might you know XD
But OHNO! You douchewipe! neglecting Nino's feelings and going off with Amy Wingamajib XDDDDDDDDDDD
Please update soon!! I seriously cannot wait!!! <33333333333333
In Ohno's defence, Nino never told him...
KK, I'm working on Ch.3 right now :D
psh. In Nino's defence then....Ohno should catch on!!! -_- I love you Ohno, i really do, but I want to pinch your cheeks really hard right now, you oblivious piece of poop (of course I don't mean that XDDDDD)
YAY! Can't wait!
(thank you for the sweet words in your notes &hearts <3)
I'm glad you liked it :D
Yay Matsumiya
i am really sorry for him.
ohno is soooo blind!!!
*kicks him*
i hope ohno's sister will help nino.
and jun is there.
now i am really curious what will happen next!
Well Nino's gonna be stuck in this pitiful state for a hell of a long time XD
Prepare lots of hugs!
Ah I hope Nino gets help!
ah,,,hope ohno will realizes it soon because if not jun will snatched him,
can't wait for next~
thanks for update^^
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