Title: Long Vacation
Pairing: Ohmiya (and possibly more?)
Rating:G (susceptible to increase)
Summary: When Ohno's fiance runs out of him leaving him broke, he moves in with Nino, a failing pianist. And while they're on a vacation from life, they unwittingly come together intertwining what were otherwise two parallel lives. What'll happen when its time for the vacation to end and their lives to become parallel once more?
Note: Nino's POV
I don’t exactly know how I ended up in this situation but now I have a thirty-year old man whose fiancé ran out on him the day of their marriage freeloading at an apartment meant for two. Not that I’m any better off. I failed one of the most important piano competitions of my life and am just as much of a loafer as this guy probably with a little bit more of savings though.
This guy promised he’d pay from next month so I’m guessing it’ll be fine. But before I get into the whole insecurity about my future I should explain why I’m even allowing this freeloader to stay here. The man who his fiancé ran off with was a colleague of mine from the music school I work in. He’d come to drop off music sheets one day when I wasn’t here to receive them so I asked his fiancé to do it for me. As for what transpired after that is a mystery to me too. Except, when I looked at this man’s frantic eyes and panting breathe as he barged into my apartment quite suddenly one morning looking for his fiancé I could feel my heart break. He was shocked to find that I was a guy. Apparently she’d told him I was a girl. To her it was probably the same though, since I’m you know…I swing that way. But to this guy I guess it wouldn’t matter as long as she lied, it was still despicable. In fact I don’t even think he knows I’m gay.
But that’s all fine right? Because its his life and I’m doing all I can for him. I mean I gave him a place to stay. He actually cooked me dinner tonight as a token of gratitude and is relatively clean and he’ll pay rent next month. I can totally do this. Anyway, its not like he’s very attractive. He’s fine but he’s totally not my type. I like the more cool and suave type. But you’d know that right? You know about that crush I have on that totally hot guy who plays the violin in my university. Even though he’s my junior he’s so cool that I can melt from it.
Wait…Melt from his coolness? That doesn’t make sense but freezing from his coolness gives off SUCH a bad connotation and seriously he’s not cool in a cold way…he’s cool in a cool way. Am I rambling? I’m rambling. My head is kind of in a mess. This new roommate is a bit of a drinker. Or maybe he’s just drowning his sorrows. Point is he has a lot of wine left over from his wedding and I MEAN A LOT. And he shares! He shares! So I end up drinking too. So you see? I have a legitimate reason for rambling. Of course I do, I’m drunk.
A/N: So heres the Ohmiya I'd said I'd start like my exam stress reliever like how BFF's wedding was. Hope you like this and aren't too annoyed with me starting another series YET again XD