Title: Friends and Birthdays Pairing: JunMa Rating: G Note: Just something that hit me. I wasn't going to write a birthday fic. I think writing two Jun's beats everything but yeah still felt I should write something
I realized this is the closest I've gotten to writing a 'pretty' fic in my entire life XD
No wonder its a ficlet. I couldn't keep up such a pace for the length of even a 1000 words XD
JunMa birthday fics :(
There used to be those in a more golden age of JunMa. Its a dying pair.
I don't want the whole world to write JunMa and I was content with just two three people writing it. But with Chai so busy it feels like I'm alone.
A random JunMa birthday fic popped up and it was PWP and much too short to delude myself a plot. I love porn but for a birthday fic I felt compelled to write something more meaningful at least what I consider meaningful XD
Although the other fic was cute with Toma reading Jun's diary secretly. It seems like a very JunMa thing to be done I feel XD I wish she'd have explored that part better instead of the porn.
I'm reading a frightfully depressing book. It's got me down in the dumps and its making me use weird 19th century British language and is subsequently to blame for the pretty.
Its a good book non the less. But I cried the whole night and my head hurts.
I realized this is the closest I've gotten to writing a 'pretty' fic in my entire life XD
No wonder its a ficlet. I couldn't keep up such a pace for the length of even a 1000 words XD
JunMa birthday fics :(
There used to be those in a more golden age of JunMa. Its a dying pair.
I don't want the whole world to write JunMa and I was content with just two three people writing it. But with Chai so busy it feels like I'm alone.
A random JunMa birthday fic popped up and it was PWP and much too short to delude myself a plot. I love porn but for a birthday fic I felt compelled to write something more meaningful at least what I consider meaningful XD
Although the other fic was cute with Toma reading Jun's diary secretly. It seems like a very JunMa thing to be done I feel XD I wish she'd have explored that part better instead of the porn.
I'm reading a frightfully depressing book. It's got me down in the dumps and its making me use weird 19th century British language and is subsequently to blame for the pretty.
Its a good book non the less. But I cried the whole night and my head hurts.
I just wanted to rant XD
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