Man Who Told Half The Country To Go Fuck Themselves Somehow Loses Election

Nov 07, 2012 09:52

A couple of weeks ago, The Mahablog posted Reality And It's Detractors:There possibly is no clearer measure of the difference between the U.S. Right and Left than the way we react to bad news. Righties immediately scream that the whatever-they-don’t-like is a lie, because it doesn’t fit what they think reality is supposed to be. And they blame somebody else, usually news media, or Democrats, or anybody but them. The whatever-it-is is never their fault.

Lefties accept the reality, sometimes perceiving the reality as even worse than it is. Then we blame ourselves (or at least each other), and form circular firing squads.

(It really does resemble the dynamics of domestic abuse situations, in which the abuser is perpetually flying into rages because the world isn’t the way he (or she) wants it to be. And then he (or she) concocts some reason to blame the significant other, or the kids, and takes the rage out on them. The abusee, all too often, blames her/himself and accepts the abuse.)

She was writing in response to Nate Silver's predictions of an Obama win, despite the Gallup polls that were surfacing. Those on the right attacked Silver because they didn't like his conclusions (which, it should be noted, were all proven correct across the board last night).

But what she said has also been shown in the reactions to Obama's win-Rove's refusal to accept the loss of Ohio, Donald Trump's calls for revolution because the election didn't go his way, and too many more to mention.

Get a grip, folks. Suck it up. Losing an election is not "tyranny."
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