Because of Courtney, Liz, and Mindy, I present

Oct 23, 2013 19:45



Apparently there are more dolls/books now? But Kit was BRAND NEW when I was 9 and I thought it was super cool that she had freckles like me.

Please rant about how great your favorite character is below.

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courtknees1 October 24 2013, 00:56:39 UTC
I am perfectly ok with being very literally unamerican in this instance.


saucydiva October 24 2013, 01:03:44 UTC
You are THE WORST like we came and TOOK YOU IN and TOLD YOUR OPPRESSORS TO TAX THEIR OWN DAMN TEA and we let you WATCH OUR TELEVISION SHOWS without even watching your shows in return, because they're boring/awful.


courtknees1 October 24 2013, 01:11:53 UTC
Well this is a tad aggressive and I don't know how to respond when this thread won't let me use any of my backing-away-slowly gifs.


saucydiva October 24 2013, 01:16:33 UTC
I have to defend America. Remember when we shut down the government and the Australians tried to take over?

Never forget.


beetsbearsbsg October 24 2013, 01:55:04 UTC
slow your over enthusiastic patriotic roll, bb. Like, seriously.


saucydiva October 24 2013, 02:05:55 UTC
Awww, I'm just kidding. It was hilarious to take Courtney to the AG store; she was entirely disgusted, while Amber and I were delighted by all the things.


throwingpens October 24 2013, 01:04:24 UTC
i mean it's okay to be australian but how much of this is you being jealous as there's no such thing as australian girl dolls?


courtknees1 October 24 2013, 01:09:27 UTC
idk, we just resorted to befriending real human girls instead.

I was more of a fan of plush animals anyway.


lizinstereo October 24 2013, 01:17:34 UTC
I bet Leslie Knope has an AG Doll. Not because she grew up with them - she just likes the history.

I bet she owns a Felicity (the American Revolution doll).


throwingpens October 24 2013, 01:33:09 UTC
I bet she does, too. And Felicity was appropriately spunky for Leslie but I would have guessed Molly if I had a gut-reaction.


lizinstereo October 24 2013, 01:37:13 UTC
Didn't Molly spend a lot of time pining for her dad? I think Leslie would like Felicity because she did things. She freed Penny or something.


saucydiva October 24 2013, 01:41:08 UTC
She had a contest with the boys to see who could knit more socks/bring in more scrap metal, I think.


lizinstereo October 24 2013, 01:42:05 UTC
I remember the dance recital/perm incident and her mother's victory garden.


throwingpens October 24 2013, 01:43:24 UTC
THE SCRAP METAL DRIVE!!!!!!! YES! In the weird attic, and her sister with the perfect hair and pin curls. (Truefax, I, at one point, tried to do pin curls with my hair, because of Molly's glorious hair. It did not work. This was like, two years ago.)


throwingpens October 24 2013, 01:41:38 UTC
I don't want to say "pining," but you might be right. She missed her dad (who was a doctor?) a lot. BUT MISS VICTORY!!!

Felicity was very complex which I liked. Remember her fighting with Elizabeth (?) about Tories? And her "historical note" section was some of the first american history I ever learned!


ballroom_pink October 24 2013, 05:59:43 UTC
Definitely owns a Felicity doll.


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