Friday night - Saterday
Well me and Tay did end up sneaking out to see Matt. She thought we were meeting him @ 12 so we were waiting for a 1/2 hour -_- lol We walked around We went on the overpass. It felt So0o good up there. Matt layed down and he was like "you cant see the stars lets go on top of the overpass." Then taylor was like OMG No0o0o0o!
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Fall of senior year. Now is the time to narrow down our choices to three schools. Choose three schools with different entrance requirements in case your first or second choice fails to materialize. Early in your senior year, match your high school record with your college requirements. If something is missing, there is still time to make up the deficiency. Apply to your selected colleges. The college catalog will tell you the deadlines for admission. Fill out the application form carefully; neatness and accuracy always makes a good impression.
Winter of senior year. Follow through on your acceptance. Acknowledge your acceptance before the stated deadline. Fill out and return promptly forms. For health records, housing, and financial aid.
Spring of Senior Year. Watch out for “senioritis.” Some colleges look at the eighth-semester transcript. “Goofing off” during your last semester may be fun but could result in your being rejected by the college of your choice.
Driggers, Joann. Management Skills: Take Charge of Your Furture. Albant: Delmar Publishers, 1998
Eggleston, Franklin T., William S. Barker. Building Power Presentation. Mission: Computer Master Publishing, 2001.
Fernandez, Sally. The Risks of Leaving Home. Boston: Harper & Court Company. 1999.
Kelly, Leonard P. Your Future Plans. Chicago: Piper Publishing Co., 2000.
Roth, Sharon and others. “What to do?” Time and Life Magazine. February 12, 1998, 42 - 47
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