Plotting has moved over here for easy access. Just a recap of information gathered from the e-mail exchanges:
Available Weapons
- Carrot: big ass sword and battle axes
- Duo: big ass gundam and gun
- Spike: grenades
- Angel: big ass sword
- Buffy: big ass crossbow, big ass sword, daggers, arrows, stakes
- Fergus: a bad ass hook, ammo, two pistols, a dagger, super awesome strength of will
- Seeley: .22 mm gun, .45 mm gun, fists, his fighting skills and his General Badassery
Possible Wounded Members
- Spike
- Buffy
- Seeley
I'm going to throw up a gathering post on
the_blank_slate for our awesome team sometime tomorrow afternoon. I'll make a top-level comment for chatting/general talking/miscellaneous, a top-level comment for herbivore round-ups, and then a top-level comment for carnivore round-ups.
I'm assuming most of the badass action's going to happen in the carnivore round-up thread. Any ideas for what you want to do? We could take on a pack of dinos together (most likely raptors), or we can each take on individual ones in individual threads, or we could do a combination of both. If we take on a pack together, we'll need to establish a posting order. I'll have that figured out by tomorrow.
Thoughts/ideas/plot requests?
ETA: Action Threads
Dinos To Take On (Anything besides the T-Rex)
Troodons -- Pack animals, nocturnal, they'll most likely wake us up in the night.
Large Dinos
Baryonyx - Was about 8 to 10 m long (26 to 33 ft), and around 3.6 m (12 ft) tall. Full grown Baryonyx could reach at 12 m long (40 ft), 5 m (16 ft) tall and 3,600 kg.
- Spinosaurus - info below
- Some sort of Pack -- perhaps raptors
ETA 2: Post going up within the next hour.
Posting Order for Large Dino Wrangling: Carrot, Buffy, Angel, Seeley, Fergus, Duo, Spike. Feel free to play one-on-one or one-on-two (etc.) threads but do give us a heads up here so we know not to tag into those in established posting order.
ETA 3:
Post is up. Tag in at your leisure.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Gathering post style -- meaning anyone can tag anyone, no order -- until I throw up a top level comment for actual wrangling. That won't happen until we get some miscellaneous talking going and the pups interact with each other at least a little bit.
Now, here's where you guys need to give your lovely opinions. There will MOST DEFINITELY be a posting order for carnivore wrangling, whether they take on a pack or just a couple of huge ass dinos. Would you all want to take on a herbivore pack as well? If so then a posting order will probably be helpful for that particular thread. If not and you just want to have threads where you wrangle up some harmless dinos, then a posting order isn't necessary and you all can tag whoever the hell you want. :D
Weigh in, please!
SPINOSAURUS! It's bigger than a fucking T-REX!