Nov 15, 2006 12:06
I had just finished cleaning our suite's bathroom and was headed towards another when suddenly I heard a great deal of sloshing coming from behind the just-closed door....I knew that a suitemate intended to take a shower, but I couldnt figure out what on earth she was doing in there that sounded like that so I knocked on the door. "what on earth are you doing??" said I. The response. "I--it--oh, you can open the door!" came from inside. I sloooooooooowly creaked the door open to find - much to my surprise - said suitemate sitting on the edge of our tub plunge-ing the drain for all she was worth. It was quite a sight! So it turns out that our shower is now clogged (and no toilet plunger will unclog it!! <- wait until I clean again before you shower, k, guys? :-P ). Don't worry, Im not saying she did it, but it was quite funny to see! Hopefully it will be unclogged soon so I can clean it and we can shower! Until then - look out, neighbors, here we come!