
Oct 26, 2005 13:49

So it's very rare that I write in this thing anymore. It causes too much drama, you have no idea who's actually reading it, it's a stalking tool.  It's just not my thing anymore....

I felt the need to share.

Because of a new found addiction to the game above, nights at J.Fallon's, which possess the presence of both Brian & Michelle, from here on out will not be complete without at least 1 round of golf played by this crazy duo.
We have decided to start a PGA Tour Golf Tourament against one another, in which almost everytime we go out to J.Fallons, or to any other alcohol distributing location (in which this game or once of it's likeness is present) we shall play. Wether it be the front 9 holes, back 9 holes, full round of 18 holes, it matters not. A game is a game.

We've already started keeping track.  Last nights domination went to me via "Golden Tee" @ Yermans.
Right now he's in the lead, obviously.
  • I have:  1 win, 2 losses, and we have 1 tie. -- Not too bad for a Pro vs. a Non Pro.

  • This week we both purchased PGA Tour Golf playing cards for a small fee.
    With these cards we will be able to create our own players, of course we will be creating ourselves, so we can really play 1 another.
    This card will store our player data directly on the card to unlock World Tour, Game Face, Tournament Play and other registered play modes. - Woah.

    Monday nights, in particular, are not just for the footlball games, not for the beer, and not only for the great deal on wings, but there are tournaments where you can win money. He's going to participate.I may, I may not. We'll see.

    The benefit of all this:
    • boyfriend/girlfriend bonding
    • a new hobbie
    • something else do to besides watching t.v and movies when the weather doesn't permit traveling
    • lessons on the game of golf (awesome. I'll know what in the world he is talking about when golf season rolls around in 2006).
    It's going to be a long winter full of alcohol, cuddling, picture taking, and of course snow!
    So why not do something other than sit on the internet @ work and adopt a hobby.
    I'm going back to school for art, finally ((should have done this 5 years ago)), and my days and nights will be filled graphic/communication/advertising/whatever designing my heart out! So this will be a nice escape from all that jazz.

    . . . Game On.
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