i am dying, i think.

Mar 27, 2009 07:22

so i've made the choice to at least semi-consistently update this thing. though i'm not sure if anyone reads it. if you do, please let me know. otherwise i'm just going to derreeetteee it.

anyway. i've been sick for like, 5 weeks. it sucks so bad. i've had a cough that just won't let up. i should go see a doctor but it's gotten to the point where i'm so nervewrackingly scared that there's something legitimately wrong with me (ie, death is imminent) that i keep making excuses. oh well. if i die, just know all of you were a great inconvenience 99.9% of the time. assholes.

my new band, design the end, has our first show this saturday. i'm pretty psyched. of all the bands i've been in, this one is definitely the strongest. there's potential for big things, but, i'm not going to get my hopes up yet. we're recording next month. should be a trip. it's gonna turn a lot of heads, if anything.

still working. what else is new. i need a full time job really bad, but the economy has decided i can't get one unless i a) speak fluent spanish or b) have a truck driving license, apparently. at least, that's what most of the want ads consist of. since when did it become a requirement to know spanish in a predominantly english speaking country? i mean, i'm all for the spreading and diversity of culture thing, but for fuck's sake.

i've finally decided i'm ready to be in love again. i know i say that a lot but i've been thinking about it a lot lately. the only time i've ever genuinely loved somebody it was unrequited. and that sucks. and it's always going to suck. and i guess the urge to know what it's like to have someone adore me has overcome my fear and restraint. don't get me wrong, i'm still not going to actively search for mrs. right. she'll come along eventually. no, right now all i need is levelheaded broad who isn't a weirdo or a complete idiot or a whore. which is all that seems to come my way lately. talked to one girl, she ended up being a fucking weirdo. talked to another, she started talking about dating and how much she liked me before she even spent more than an hour in my presence. and just hold on to that thought for a second. how fucking desperate and needy can you be? look i know, i rule so fucking hard, but love at first site isn't real. it's infatuation and you look like a child. no dice, lady. finally i started talking to another girl for awhile. she seemed awesome. really cool, down to earth, incredibly sweet, funny, and even pretty cute, especially for a dude like me. i was all about it. come to find out that she's actually a slut. what you do with your body is your own business, but if you've slept with the majority of my friends, what makes you think that they're not going to tell me about it, and more importantly, what makes you think i'd want anything to do with you? even on just a physical level. that's shady and gross. i don't care how much you like sex. there's better ways to reel a guy in. strumpet.

feels good to be kinda picky, haha.

people have been telling me i look like i'm losing weight. i don't know how or why that could be true, but if it is, awesome.

if nobody really does read this, theres no sense in me keeping it because once my band's myspace is up (preview here. ignore the songs in the player, those are from another band whose layout was done before ours. img25.imageshack.us/img25/7545/dtelayout.jpg) we're going all have twitter feeds on the page itself. flashy, no?

i haven't slept yet.
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