fuck off

Apr 21, 2007 03:54

if you don't care
don't act like you do
it's that fucking simple
don't do me any goddamn favors by making me think i can still rely on you when i can't.
i don't fucking care anymore
i just don't

i'm not going out of my way for anyone anymore, i'm not chasing after people, i'm not seeking anyone out, i'm not going to trouble myself to talk to anyone.
see who really does care.

believe me i understand that friendship works both ways, but when i'm the only person making sure lines of contact with people stay open it's not fucking right. and it's fucking stupid to do so when i know if i never said a word to them again i'd never hear from them as long as i live.
OH, that IS of course unless they needed something.
but you know what?
fuck off. i barely have shit and i'm not giving shit to anybody anymore because barely anyone ever does anything for me (though the less than a handful that do know it and know i'm grateful to the fullest extent of the word)

i'm burning bridges.
i don't give a fuck.
and chances are, neither do you.
there's no loss in burning a bridge that i don't want, need, or use.
so all of you that wanna be fucking self-motivated, shady, scumbag pieces of shit can eat a fat fucking sack of AIDs and die in a fire. i don't need you now and i never will.
i will NEVER regret walking about from people who don't deserve my company. maybe that sounds like i'm full of myself, but you know what? suck my dick. i'm a good person to have around and 99.9% of the people i know are NOTHING, they bring NOTHING to the table, they do NOTHING to warrant my friendship or earn the title of friend, and what am i gonna lose when you're gone?

headbutt a bullet, faggots.
i'm DONE.
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