i can see a thousand fucking skylines

Nov 17, 2011 17:34

Dear Livejournal,

I need to make a confession, and I feel like only y'all will understand the deep, ridiculous hypocrisy at work here. For the last 18 months, I have been relentlessly shit-talking a colleague because she sends all of her professional email correspondence and renders her full electronic email signature in lower-case text.


To be fair, no matter how committed I was to lower-case text for, like, FIFTEEN YEARS of my obnoxious life, I never pulled that shit at work. Anyway, I noticed today that she finally stopped, and I felt older than I did when I realized I was probably too old for that to be cute anymore.

Someone on my friends list did the "what's in your purse/bag" meme! I love this one. As a non-car-owning urban commuter, I lovingly refer to my bag as my car trunk. Because ... it's basically the same size as a car trunk.

Every day, I give myself a future history of back problems by hauling around a Timbu2 messenger bag, size large:

It's one of the custom-designed options, because when I was in junior high I saw Four Weddings and a Funeral and thought the orange bridesmaid dress with the purple sash was the most bitchin' thing I'd ever seen and I have loved orange and purple together ever since.

Every Sunday night, I unpack and re-pack my bag and try to figure out if I can get rid of any of the fuck-ton of shit I'm hauling around, and the answer is always no. Contents as follows:

Top row: glasses case, both the book I'm currently reading (The Fat Years by Chan Koonchung) and the book I'm taking to book club tonight (Zone One by Colson Whitehead, which was fucking AMAZING and if you mention that you are reading his book on Twitter, he will reply within 9 seconds and say "Cool-io!" or "Thanks, sister!" which is adorable), now empty oilcloth lunch bag and thermos.

Middle row: Printed out copy of the recipe for Rick Bayless' Braised Turkey in Red Mole, which I am making this year for the the sixth annual Wretch Thanksgiving for Wretches, wallet, headphones, coveted Flair felt-tip pens, padlock for gym locker, the dozen bobby pins that are littered on my person at any given time, toiletry bag and make-up bag (with my current gym-in-the-morning regimen I realized that I'm only showering at my house once a week), my Vapur bottle (fucking amazing, swear by them), this morning's dirty gym attire, carefully folded to conceal my dirty underwear but not so carefully folded that you can't tell that I was wearing an Empires t-shirt.

Bottom row: Oh God. Floss? Random pill case? A brooch I packed to wear with some outfit earlier this week and then forgot about? FOUR DIFFERENT TYPES OF BURT'S BEES PRODUCT, APPARENTLY. And, of course, two carefully folded reusable shopping bags because I might stop for groceries or something and need a way to carry around MORE shit and there's obviously no room in my bag.

Not pictured: my phone, which is taking the picture.

Proof that it really all does fit:

Anyway, hi, hello. Today I signed up for Yuletide and some crazy beautiful bastard had nominated @mayoremanuel as a fandom and I was reminded that I really love you all.


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