yeah, open at fenway in april, that's a great idea

Apr 06, 2009 11:41


1. This post by silviakundera about personal sexual preference v. preferences when it comes to reading/writing romantic pairings, which says some smart and interesting stuff that I have always felt but never articulated because I worried that not wanting to read/write femslash made me a Bad Lesbian, so this post made me really happy in a "it's not just me!" kind of way.

2. Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. It's a very gritty near-future dystopic young adult novel, and the link is to a website where the author offers it as a free download in a variety of formats. I read it on the plane on my way out to California and really enjoyed it. It's a little incredulous in some places the same way any book written for 13-year-olds feels incredulous when you're not 13, but it also desperately made me want to be 13, because if 13-year-old me had read this book, she probably would have carried it around until it was dog-eared and earnestly claimed that it had Changed Her Life. Basically, it's Pump Up The Volume for the cyberspace generation. If you don't read it, make sure everyone you know under the age of 18 does.

3. This post by bossymarmalade, which is lyrically beautiful like everything that Maggie writes, but she also manages to name-check my #1 source of haterade, why the book Eat, Pray, Love is a giant bowl of culturally appropriating dicks. (Her post is part of the Asian Women Blog Carnival, which you can check out here.)

4. The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall. This is a tentative recommendation because I am only 1/3 of the way through the book, so it may turn into an incomprehensible mess, but right now it is blowing my fucking mind. I was reading it on the train yesterday and when I got off the train I didn't want to stop reading so I managed to read and walk at the same time all the way from the train to my house. (And I live a mile's walk from the train.) I bought this book to read on the plane home from California, but I ended up getting drunk and falling asleep instead. (Hooray for putting nips of whiskey in your ziplock bag of 3oz liquids!) I bought this book at a bookstore that had a two column shelf display that was set up like "If you liked this book, then you'll like this book." I bought The Raw Shark Texts because it was the companion to a book I really liked, but I was in a hurry, so I can't remember what the book was. That's made reading this book additionally entertaining, because I keep trying to figure out what the other book was. I think now that it must have been The House of Leaves.

5. This recipe for chocolate zucchini muffins. I followed the recipe except that instead of using three cups regular flour I substituted 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour and 1 cup soy flour, allowing myself to be convinced that a chocolate muffin is a virtuously nutritious breakfast.

6. Dollhouse. Seriously, you guys, I know it still has really questionably skeezy issues when it comes to the sexualization of its female characters and that it's not actually a good show, but it's getting so fucking awesome, I can't even. I drunkenly tried to explain the entire four season plot of The Pretender to coquettemoves on Friday night in an effort to make her like Dollhouse, let me know if you would like me to debase myself in a similar way to convince you.

my best betty crocker, nielsen family picnic, books

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