
Jun 12, 2008 12:47

we interupt our regularly scheduled broadcast of recipes that don't have measurements and bostoncentric sports bitching for the news that my much-beloved governor's 18-year-old daughter just came out as a lesbian. previously we have discussed how i love deval patrick (no seriously, i love him), and just when i thought i could not possibly love him anymore:

On June 14, 2007, the day that lawmakers finally voted down an anti-gay marriage amendment to the state constitution, Katherine Patrick stood outside the State House and looked up at her father. Gov. Deval Patrick was standing on the front steps, surrounded by a jubilant crowd of hundreds that mobbed the brick sidewalk and spilled halfway across Beacon Street. As they cheered the defeat of the amendment - an effort led by the governor, Senate President Therese Murray and House Speaker Sal DiMasi - Katherine had never before felt more proud of her father.

"Because, of course, he didn’t know that I was gay then," the 18-year-old recalls. "So, for someone so publicly to fight for something that doesn’t even affect him was just like, 'That’s my dad,' you know?" she says with a laugh. "That’s all I could think. I was very, very proud to be part of this family, and this state in general."

i know this is corny, but i literally could not be more proud that this man is my governor.


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