1. sometimes when i stare down approaching cars while crossing the street, i feel like an infielder looking back a base runner during a fielder's choice.
2. this weekend i was a chaperone at the post youth pride lgbt prom. the prom was open to anyone under the age of 22, chaperones were supposed to be at least 26. but because i work in the field and they were short-staffed i talked my way into it. i thought this would be hilarious, in retrospect it was a little depressing. seeing the kids (i say "kids" like some of them weren't, you know, eighteen months younger than i am) made me surprised to realize that i was already at the point in my life where i felt like queer kids these days have it so much better than i did. jesus christ. however, there were a lot of cute ryan ross look-alikes having their best big gay proms together, and that was kind of adorable.
3. speaking of both baseball and panic! at the disco, i (with some pictorial assistance from the pm) compared david ortiz to ryan ross in the papelblog
yesterday, which i imagine marks the first and last time that a member of panic! at the disco will be discussed in a blog about the red sox. or baseball. or sports in general.
4. has anyone ever used a deoderant crystal? i decided yesterday that it was the only thing missing from my tom's of maine/dr. bronner's/lush cosmetics personal hygiene lifestyle, but i've never used one before.
5. i re-watched all hell breaks loose part I at the gym this morning, and
something that i thought was interesting:
so sam dies because he couldn't kill jake, his own unwillingness to go dark side ends up being his own undoing, hero's tragic flaw blah blah etcetera. however! you could also argue that sam seals his fate when he tells jake the truth about how scared he really is and how bad he thinks things are going to get. sam tells jake that what's coming is big, and it's bad, and he doesn't think that they're going to make it out alive. jake says that he knows that, it's just important that the others doesn't. so when sam and jake are the only ones left, of course jake's going to kill sam to save himself, sam already primed him to believe that they were probably all going to die anyway even before jake got his visit from the yellow-eyed demon.
sam's arc has always been about his fight against his destiny. in season one, sam's destiny was to be a hunter for the rest of his life, and he fought it by leaving, going to stanford, only coming back for revenge after jessica's death and periodically reminding us that he had every intention of going back to school once the yellow-eyed demon was dead. in season two, sam's destiny is to go evil. (what's funny is that in fighting the destiny that's been laid out for him in season two, sam goes back on almost everything he believed in season one. sam doesn't want to go dark side, but in realizing that he could go bad guy, he realizes that he can't get out of the job because he can't get the job out of himself.) and, like i said before, his fight against his destiny ends up getting him killed. except! what's the other thing that sam did to fight his destiny in season one? he wanted to be able to tell people the truth about what they do. the first example that springs to mind is in "skin" when he wants to help what's-her-face, his friend from college, but another good one is "route 666," when he flips out when he finds out that dean told cassie about the job when he'd kept it a secret from jessica for a year and a half. and, in general, we're taught that sam would always prefer to be honest, and dean would generally prefer to lie.
so not only did sam's unwillingness to kill jake end up being his undoing, his willingness to be honest with jake about how fucked they were set the stage. basically every good thing about sam as a character contributed to his getting killed. so that's ... pretty depressing.