a. department holiday party on friday night, and we had a yankee swap that summed up everything about my job and why it is the most recent in a series of jobs that have ruined me for ever working in the real world: the first gift unwrapped is two bottles of massage oil. we then proceed to argue about whether or not it's lube or massage oil, whether, if it is lube, it's the kind that can be used with latex, whether reading the ingredients will help us make the decision, etcetera. eventually it is revealed that the gift was stolen from the supply cabinet at work, and, scene.
b. left the office holiday party early to go to the d's christmas party, and stopped on the way there to get coffee so i wouldn't face-plant. the employees at the tres indie hipster coffee house had decided to blast "i'll make love to you" by boys II men, and i briefly thought i was hallucinating. the barista and i briefly boned over having made out to that song at middle school dances. seriously, though, i fucking hated that song in middle school, and was always uncomfortable when they played it at dances, because it's weirdly, uncomfortably explicit, and espouses two concepts that i wasn't ready for yet: sex and romance.
c. the d's party generated the highlight of my year, which was the d telling katie that he'd lie down in traffic for her, and not the pussy way, not lengthwise, but sideways.
d. on saturday there was a very arkham christmas party, and a fantastic time was had by all despite being thwarted by global warming jake gyllenhaal. it's the middle of december and it's so temperate that we couldn't even safely leave the beer on the porch!
e. this afternoon, the pm and i engaged in the most satisfying marathon of hangover television watching of all time and space: the justin timberlake hosted episode of saturday night live, this week's episode of battlestar galactica, a re-watch of this week's episode of the office, twenty minutes revenge of the sith and most of the dvd extras from the two towers, our used copies of the lord of the rings dvds having finally arrived after we ordered them during the
fever dream that was last saturday.
e. last we spoke of my father's television-watching habits, he'd revealed himself to be a huge jim/pam shipper. tonight i was talking to him on the phone (we're going to a 49ers game on christmas eve, my excitement cannot be textually rendered) and i asked him if he watched dexter, and he said that a) he watched it and b) he'd been saving all the episodes on their DVR because he thought i would like it and maybe i'd want to watch it while i was home. n'aww.
f. i made the switch to washing my hair with a baking soda rub and apple cider vinegar rinse about three months ago, and while it's worked out really well for me, and made the curls of my hair spiral in a way that's more uniform and less frizz, when i was getting my haircut, the hairdresser said my hair was really, really dry. so i'm mixing it up with a weekly conditioning with mayonnaise, which is awesome, because it seems to be working and brings our bathroom one ingredient closer to a salad dressing.
g. and now i feel like i'm going to throw up from exhaustion, but i'm still awake because my
yuletide story is going to be the death of me, and i am actually panicking in re: not being able to finish it by the deadline, which comes about six hours sooner for me, because at midnight on the 19th, i'll be on a plane to california. the story is now 4000+ words with no end in sight. also, at least 2000 of those words are crap. maybe 3000. oh god, i don't even know.